1.02 - The Thing You Love Most

Start from the beginning

"All due respect,Madame Mayor,the fact that you have now threatened me twice in the last 12 hours makes me want to stay more."Ella told her.

"Since when are apples a threat?" Regina asked her.

Ella chuckled sarcastically. "I can read between the lines.Sorry.I just want to make sure Henry's okay."

"He's fine,dear." Regina told her ."Any problems he has are being taken care of."

"What does that mean?" Ella asked.

"It means I have him in therapy.It's all under control.Take my advice.Ms.Swan,only one of us knows what's best for Henry." Regina told her.

"Yeah,I'm starting to think you're right about that." Ella told her.

"It's time for you to go." Regina told her.

"Or what?" Ella asked.

Regina took a threatening step toward the blonde woman. "Don't underestimate me,Ms.Swan.You have no idea what I'm capable of."

Enchanted Forest

Flashback 1.01 "Pilot"

Day-Royal Castle-Wedding- Ceremony

Evil Queen was confronting everyone."I shall destroy your happiness,if it is the last thing I do."

The Queen disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke.The new wed couple looked at each other worriedly.

Evil Queen's Castle-Chambers

The sword flew into the wal,hitting a potrait as it did.

The Evil Queen's father,Henry was standing nearby,offering his daughter a drink."Would you like something to drink?"

"Do I look like I need a drink?" The Queen asked him.

"I was only trying to help"Henry said.

"Thank you." The Queen said when she took the glass from her father.

"Now that was an awfully big threat." The Magic mirror spoke up."Destroy everyone's happiness?How do plan on accomplishing that?"

"Dark curse." The Queen answered the mirror.

"Are you sure,your majesty?" Henry asked.

"You said you'd never used it." The mirror said.

"You made a deal when you gave away that curse." Henry said.

"You traded it away." The mirror said.

"She won't be happy to see you." Henry finished.

"Since when do I care about anyone else's happiness but mine?" The Queen asked. "Prepare the carriage.We're going to the forbidden fortress."

The scene transitions,showing the Queen's carriage approaching the forbidden fortress,then transitions to it's interior.Maleficent and the Queen sit in front of a fireplace,talking.

"How are you,dear?" Maleficent asked.

"I'm doing fine." The Queen answered.

Maleficent pours herself a drink and sit down. "Are you?If it were me I'd be simply tortured watching that flake of Snow so happy.Weren't you about the same age when you were to be married,before she ruined it all?"She rasied her glass. "Yes,you were."

"Yes,it's about the same age you were when that sleeping beauty got the best of you,my dear Maleficent." Reginatold her.

"I soldiered on,as you will too,hopefully." Maleficent responded.

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