1.02 - The Thing You Love Most

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Day one

Morning-Mary Margaret's loft

Mary Margaret was sitting in her loft,on the window seat,eating breakfast,looking outside through the window,seeing that the time on the clock tower had moved because time had been unfrozen in the town,surprised.

Granny's Bed and Breakfast-Ella's Room

Ella woked up in bed,confused until she remebered why she was there,looking out of the window.


Archie was walking his dog Pongo down the street.Mr.Gold walked past him,nodding towards him,Archie nodded back at him.

Granny and Ruby were setting up their diner for opening,which was called Granny's Diner.Sheriff Graham walked up to the diner to get breakfast.

Mills House-Henry's Room

Henry were getting ready for the day,looking out of the window,smiling a little.

Living Room

Regina was flipping through Henry's book,pausing on a page depicing when the Evil Queen had left Snow White and Prince Charming's wedding when Charming had thrown his sword at her in attempt to stop her.Regina turned the page,finding that the last several pages had been ripped out from the book.

Henry's Room

Regina walked into Henry's room,standing behind Henry."The missing pages--where are they?"

"It's an old book.Stuff's missing" Henry told her."Why do you care?"

"I care because you think I'm some Evil Queen." Regina told him while she stopped him from leaving the room."And that hurts me,Henry.I'm your mother."

"No,you're not." Henry said.

"Well,then who is?"Regina asked."That women you brought here?I don't like what she or this book is doing to you.Thankfully both are no longer an issue.What?"

The clock tower chimed.Regina,shocked,turned her head toward the sound.Henry walked out of the house to go to school.

Town Square

Regina stood on the sidewalk of the town square,looking up at the clock tower.

Archie, walking Pongo, walked up to her."Hey,how 'bout that?Guess those rusty old innards finally straighted themselves out,huh?"

Regina looked across the street at Ella's car,knowing she was still in town. "Yes, how about that,indeed."

Granny's Bed and Breakfast-Ella's Room

There was a knock on the door and Ella opened it to reveal Regina outside with a basket of apples.

"Did you know that the honey crisp tree is the most vigorous and hardy of all apple trees?" Regina asked. "It can survive temperatures as low as forty below and keep growing,It can weather any storm.I have one that I've tended to since I was a little girl.And to this day,I have yet to taste anything more delicious than the fruit it offers."

Regina extended an apple to Ella.

Ella took the apple."Thanks."

"I'm sure you'll enjoy them on your drive home." Regina told her.

"Actually,I'm gonna stay for a while." Ella told her.

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea.Henry has enough issues.He doesn't need you confusing him." Regina said.

Worlds colliding once upon a time (book one)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz