1.03 - Snow Falls

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From 1.01. "Pilot", in the street, Ella drove herself and Henry down the street.

Voice over: "There is a town in Maine ..."

From 1.01, "Pilot", in the bed and breakfast, Ella were talking to Granny and Ruby.

"I'd like a room." Ella told them.

Granny handed her an old fashioned key for her room. "Welcome to Storybrooke."

From 1.01, "Pilot", on the bus, Henry were reading his book. "

Voice over: "Where every Storybook character you've ever known ..."

From 1.01, "Pilot", in the Enchanted Forest's woods, Charming kissed Snow White with true love's kiss, causing a burst of magic erupt silently and harmlessly with a wave of rainbow light.

Voice over: "Is trapped."

From 1.01, "Pilot", Enchanted Forest / Our world, Snow White / Mary Margaret released a blue bird out of the window.

Voice over: "Between two worlds."

From 1.01, "Pilot", in the Castle, The Evil Queen used magic to throw the royal guards aside

Ella voice over from 1.01, "Pilot": "And the Evil Queen sent bunch of Fairytale characters here."

Henry voice over: "And now they do not remember who they are."

From 1.01, "Pilot": in the Mills House, Regina was standing at the mirror, looking at her reflection with the book in her hands.

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the Enchanted Forest, the curse smoke was making its way to the castle.

Voice over: "Victims of a powerful curse."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the Castle, the Evil Queen was confronting everyone. "Everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you."

Voice over: "Only one knows the truth ..."

From 1.01 "Pilot": outside the Mills House, Ella were watching Henry walk inside.

Voice over: "And only one can break her spell."

From 1.01 "Pilot", in the park, Henry were sitting in the wooden castle structure. "It's your destiny. You're gonna bring back the happy endings."

Mr.Gold voice over from 1.01 "Pilot": "Enjoy your stay

Worlds Colliding: Once Upon A Time

Enchanted Forest


Day Forest

The camera pan showing a castle, then a large forest.A lone stag roamed on the forest road, tending to a patch of grass.A coachman's voice was heard in the distance.Startled, the deer turned it's head up and turned to leave hastily .Carriage horses stamped forward, pulling a carriage on the road.

Inside the carriage, Prince Charming looked out of the window. "What do you think of the view, my dear?"

Princess Abigail was sitting across from him, holding a fan to fan herself rapidly, sighing. "I've seen better.This is taking forever.I told you the Troll Road would've been quicker." The carriage bounced. "And far less bumpy." Charming took a bag of jewelry in his lap, looking at it.Abigail looked at the bag and then at Charming. "Are you even listening to me?"

Charming distractedly looked away from the bag. "Yes, of course I am."

They heard the coachman. "Woah, woah."

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