Chapter 5

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up from Taehyung tapping my shoulder , "I came back from work" he smiled to me as I sat rubbing my eyes, how long have I been sleeping???

I looked at the clock and my eyes widened, It was 7PM, my mind hadn't been able to rest at all and I probably passed out without even realizing. I slowly nodded when he asked me if I was feeling better. He took out the pizza from this bag and excitingly looked at me. "Look what I brought" , I grinned at him as I held it and we started to have a conversation.... It was him who talked most of the time about work and stuff , "This one costumer wouldn't stop ann-" he stopped midway talking and motioned on the ground, "You threw your phone there?" he asked as I gulped before finally admitting. I still didn't have the courage to tell him, what if he thought I was a lunatic who had lost his mind, or a coward who was making things up.

"Y-yeah I just-" I sighed trying to come up with something, he knew me all too well , he picked the phone from the ground and looked at me again "What are you holding back?" It felt like this time he needed the answer more than anything else. I looked down at my hands and closed my eyes. 

"T-That documentary..that we watched..When you fell asleep and the girl was screaming..her voice.. it was the same voice I heard on the call"

Taehyung gasped but continued listening, "When I was watching the documentary and she was screaming...that was the exact time she called again..but I didn't pick up..I didn't have the courage to hear her voice again"

"But she's dead" he murmured as I agreed as I slowly tapped my foot.. Taehyung started to speak again. "What could she want from you IF she is alive?"

I ruffled my hair and turned my phone on, "You have an unseen message" I look at the screen and it showed an address with a text [come, I'll wait for you.]

My face went entirely pale and taehyung grabbed the phone from my hands. "What if we are just exaggerating?" he tried to convince me, "What if someone is just playing an ugly prank on us"

"We have to go and see..we have to put an end to this" I muttered as he continuously shook his head, "We don't even know who this person is, its not safe."

"What if she's asking for help? I can't let her die when I COULD save her"

"You don't get it do you? She's dead jungkook , they found her body IN the asylum" he argued, "We wont go, no matter what."

"Fine I'll go on my own then" I stood up on my feet and started to move towards the door. Taehyung tried to stop me but I didn't listen. "Atleast give it two minutes" he begged me but I opened the door and left. I don't know why I felt the need to go somewhere a stranger demanded me to be, but I couldn't stop myself now...even if I tried to. 

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