Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up to see Jungkook being absolutely terrified as he clung to himself tightly, his face was cupped inside as I slowly tapped his shoulder. He flinched slightly as he drew his attention to me. He had tears in his eyes and he tried to jerk them off but it was no help. I quickly rushed to give him a big hug and he kept sobbing. I was confused and I didn't know what exact words I would need to make him feel better but for now I just sat next to him in silence as he tried to muster the courage to speak to me. 

"t-taehyungie" he stuttered looking at me with his blood-shot eyes.... his lips were quivering as he made another effort to speak. I drew all my attention on him as he looked away doing his best not break down again as he spoke but he failed as he started to cry again. I had known him for a year but I had never seen him in this state before. The fear in his eyes was impossible to be left unnoticed. I stood up and went to the kitchen counter. He smiled at me as I poured water and slowly made my way towards him. He shakily took it and started to drink, his face completely expressionless now as the tears kept dripping. 

"You don't need to tell me right now" I assured him as he kept drinking "Take the time to relax yourself, I can wait." 

He nodded and plopped down on the couch. He gave me a weak smile and said thank you as he slowly started to fall asleep. I kept watching random stuff with my headphones to not interrupt him from his sleep and eventually went to bed. I had work tomorrow and I had no plans to face hundreds of customers with my lack of sleep attitude.

Jungkook's POV

I pretended to sleep closing my eyes but I knew this was no use, It was hard to sleep with so many thoughts in my mind. I could convince myself as much as I like but I knew it was the same pitch... how could I be so sure it's her when they clearly found her dead body?

I was awaken by my trail of thoughts as my phone started to ring and it was the same number, I screamed frantically and grasped my mouth as I threw the phone away. I shook my head in disbelief as I turned the TV off.  I couldn't believe Taehyung was still asleep after all my wailing. 

I hugged myself tightly as I shuddered by the thought of what was going on. How could a dead girl call me...she was dead..What could she possibly want from me?

I heard Taehyung cleared his throat, he had woken up.. I could tell he was puzzled by the look on my face.. I tried to tell him what was bothering me but no matter how much courage I mustered up in me. I couldn't speak. "T-Taehyungie" I muttered as he put all his attention on me. I tried to say a few more words but the tears rushed through and I started to cry again "You don't need to tell me right now. Take the time to relax yourself. I can wait" 

I pretended to fall asleep as he kept watching stuff with his headphones, careful not to bother me and eventually went to bed.

This wasn't going to be an easy night. 

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