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After everyone finally stopped arguing with each other, they agreed that waiting until it lightened up to the point where they could properly see outside of the van to start driving would be the best option.

They didn't want any crashes and that was bound to happen if they drove around in pitch black. So, instead of driving, they moved the front seats back a little bit as well as reclining them, took out some snacks, set up Chenle's laptop and were watching something on Hulu.

As they were enjoying the show a knock came from outside of the van, but they ignored it. Then, the knocks turned to thumps and got more aggressive.

"Jisung turn your phone light on and check what that sound is." Donghyuck commanded, Jisung complied, not really wanting to start another fight.

When he shone the light on the thing his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

"G-G-Guys, th-t-there's a b-b-b-"

"Brownie!" Jaemin suggested, like this was some sort of guessing game.

"Boomers!" Mark also suggested, but Jisung kept stuttering, like it was an indication that he got the answer wrong.

"Backstage pass to (G)-Idle's next tour!" Renjun shouted, very hopefully actually, but he too was wrong.

"A tractor!" Jeno called out.

They all turned to look at him with very confused looks on their faces.

Even Jisung momentarily stopped his cold sweat to look at the older boy.

"What? I thought we were just naming random things." Jeno said innocently.

"You're lucky that you're pretty." Donghyuck muttered.

Jisung went back into his cold sweat and just turned the flash of his phone to the window that he had been looking out of so everyone else could see.

There was a large brown bear standing there looking into the car and hitting the windows.

Chenle immediately started dolphin screeching, Renjun scooted as far backwards as he could, Mark was shaking in fear, Donghyuck started cussing out the bear, Jaemin was talking about how cute the bear was was, Jisung dropped his phone and scooted himself closer to Renjun who was practically under the seats, Jeno was picking up all the snacks and putting them out of the bear's sights.

"Guys, turn all the lights off and get down." Jeno commanded the group.

They all listened accept Donghyuck who was still cussing at the bear so Renjun dragged him down.

"Why do we have to do this?" Jisung asked the older boy.

"Because then the bear won't see us and won't suspect that there's food in here."

"First of all, the bear can't read. And second, it doesn't really matter because me and the Oreos are the only snacks in here anyways." Jaemin stated matter of factly.

"You self centered hoe." Mark quietly commented.

"You're just jelly babe." Jaemin stated once again which made Donghyuck wince at his words.

Renjun felt him move and pinched his side which caused Donghyuck to whisper, "Bitch." in his ear.

The two continued to whisper and bicker with each other while the others were trying to stay as quiet as possible, so that the bear would only take them.

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