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"Mark, where are we?" Donghyuck questioned once the car stopped.

"In 'The Unknown'." Mark answered while looking up at the mountain.

"INTO THE UNKNOWN!!!" Donghyuck  screamed and birds from nearby trees flew away.

"Can you, like, not do that?" Mark asked him.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes at the older boy and began to look around, "I know that we're in 'The Unknown', but-"

Mark quickly cut him off, "Then why did you ask?"

"Well, if you let me finish I would've said, I know that we're in 'The Unknown', but where exactly is where we are right now?"

"We're at the bottom of a mountain."

"I have eyes Mark."

"Then why ask?"

"I'm asking you, what mountain are we at the bottom of? And where is this mountain located?"

"How am I supposed to know which mountain this is? Are we on a date or something? Who needs your exact location?"

"Well, for your information, this isn't a date and nobody wants my 'exact location', I just want to know where I am!"

"Why don't you want it to be a date?"

"That's all you got?" Donghyuck deadpanned.

"Why aren't you answering my question?"

"Because it's irrelevant."

"As irrelevant as my big toe!" Mark retorted.

"What does your big toe have to do with this conversation? Do you think I have a toe kink or something?" Donghyuck bit back.

"I mean, I wouldn't judge you if you had a toe kink! Wait- isn't it called a foot fetish? Whatever, we could still make it work." Mark yelled all, but the last sentence.

"I don't care if it's a foot fetish or a toe kink or sudden horniess upon seeing the shoe-wearers! I don't have it nor do I care about your foot!"

"Bro, shut up for a second." Mark suddenly whispered about 5 minutes after Donghyuck said that.

"Bitch! I wasn't even tal-" but Donghyuck was cut off by a loud rustling noise in the bushes.

Highway to Heaven [NCT Dream]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora