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Although Renjun was the one who suggested all of them changing at the same time, he now believes that it was probably the stupidest idea that anybody could've had and that no one should've agreed.

Don't get him wrong, seeing abs and muscles was never an issue for him, but the fact that Jeno and Jaemin couldn't resist the urge to rub them in his face (quite literally) was annoying him. Not to mention how flustered he was getting as well.

Finally when everybody was in their sweats or pajamas, Mark got settled back in the driver's seat and turned on the high beams to try and see what was in front of them.

While he was doing that, Donghyuck reconnected his phone to the aux cord and looked through Spotify for some music to listen to. Chenle was reading a book that he found on the ground after the whole biker situation. Jisung was scrolling through Instagram. Jaemin was watching Youtube on his phone with his headphones in.

Renjun was simply trying to chill and play some games on his phone, but Jeno wasn't allowing him to do so because he insisted on keeping his shirt off and turned his entire body to Renjun so every time the older boy turned he would have to face those chocolate abs.

Not that Renjun minded, but he was not very fond of getting flustered every two seconds.

And for added effect, Jeno was inching closer to him with every passing second.

Renjun continued to stare down at his phone and try to ignore Jeno's advances.

"Okay, guys I have some good news and bad news." Mark announced to the group.

"So?" Jisung asked him.

"So, which do you want to hear first?" Mark asked them.

"The bad news." the younger boys all said in unison.

"Well, I was going more of a dramatic, suspenseful effect so you guys are gonna hear the good news first anyways." he said with a satisfied grin.

"If you weren't gonna let us choose, then why ask?" Donghyuck asked, quite annoyed with the older boy.

"I didn't know that we guys were gonna be that boring. Anyways, the good news is that my phone could still pick up signal-" he started, but got cut off by Jaemin, "Of course it can, how the fuck do you expect me to be watching Youtube?"

Mark simply rolled his eyes at the younger boys comment and started talking again, "Back to what I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted, my phone picked up some signal meaning that I can still use the GPS to find where we're supposed to go."

"And the bad news?" Chenle asked with a very nervous look on his face.

"We are completely, totally, utterly, off the road, and it'll take forever to drive back to the main road, because according to Google we are in the middle of a forest." Mark said with a sigh.

"You're fucking joking, right?" Donghyuck asked him.

"Can y'all please tell him that this isn't funny." Donghyuck begged the rest.

"I'm sorry to say Hyuckie, but Mark is right, Siri says so."

"Stop flexing your dumbass Iphone, Jaemin." Jisung snapped at the older boy.

"You're only saying that because you're jealous, honey." Jaemin snapped back.

"Guys, stop talking about phones, we have bigger fish to fry." Chenle tried to remind them.

"I hate that saying, like why does it have to be fish, shit's gross. Why can't it be, I don't know, chicken or something?" Renjun asked with a sigh.

"Or tofu, for vegans. Like, fish reminds me of how my stepmom smells." Jeno added with an eye roll.

"What the hell did you just say about fish?" Chenle angrily asked the other two who just dissed one of his favorite foods (fish, not Jeno's stepmom).

"Turn up your hearing aids and maybe you'll hear." Mark joked and Donghyuck narrowed his eyes at him.

"He's not the only one who needs to turn up their hearing aids, grandpa." Donghyuck sassed.

"Why do you just have to come out of nowhere and attack me like that, you dusty bitch?" Mark asked the tanned boy.

"Why'd you attack me?"

"I asked first, so you answer first."

"I don't care. I'll ask you again. Why'd you attack me?" Donghyuck snapped back at him.

"Ladies, ladies, we all can't be as pretty as me." Jisung interrupted while flipping his imaginary hair.

"Have you looked in a mirror in a while?" Renjun asked sweetly.

"Don't make me come back there and destroy you, you little short bitch." Jisung snapped back at him.

"Isn't that what you have Chenle for?" Jaemin asked him with a smirk.

"Why is my name in your mouth?" Chenle asked like he was conducting an interrogation while turning to fully face Jaemin.

Mark rolled his eyes at his friends as he realized this was going to be a long night.

Highway to Heaven [NCT Dream]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon