"Thank you, Janae."

"No problem. Have a good rest of your day." I smiled before walking out and down the hall with Kay and Rocky.

"You think Will was really about to fight Leon?" Kaylen asked us.

"Yes." Rocky and I replied without hesitation.

Knowing Will's attitude and temper, she was ready and down to square up with anyone who asked for some. She already got suspended our freshman year for fighting Loudmouth Linda, a girl who had everyone's name in her mouth. And after gossip went around that she gave Will's older brother, Shawn, oral in one of the bathrooms, she was on Will's hit list.

Will didn't fuck with her brothers messing with any type of girl. Especially ones that went around spreading business. And with Linda knowing she got under Will's skin, she pushed it a little too far one day and had Will jumping over a desk to sock her in the jaw.

Let's just say Linda ain't have no more to say about Will or her brothers after that.

"You know Will's hot-headed." Raquel reminded. "And we promised her brothers to have her back. If she got into another fight Shawn, Eric, and Bobby would come looking for us. And I don't want that."

"Where'd she go anyways?" I wondered aloud, looking around the hall for her. "I grabbed her homework."

"Nae watch out!"

I quickly turned to see what happened, only to be looking at the ground the next second. My body landed with a thud while everything in my hands scattered around me. Laughter was instant as I accepted Kaylen's hand to help me up.

"You good?"

"Yeah."  I nodded softly, feeling my whole body get hot with embarrassment.

"See, I tried to warn you." Rocky grinned as she hooked her arm with mine, starting to move us forward with quick steps to remove ourselves from the scene. "You weren't paying attention, and you went straight into the wet floor sign."

"It's okay, though. It wasn't that bad." Kaylen assured me, trying to lessen my embarrassment.

"They're not gonna let this go for at least a week," I spoke knowingly.

"And we'll fight every one of them." Kay declared.

"Can I just laugh about it a little bit?"

"Rocky!" Kaylen snapped.

Rocky quickly switched her tune, her smile instantly vanishing as she straightened up. "It wasn't even funny."

"Right, and now we're your ultimate best friends because we walked you to class, and are making sure you still look good." Kaylen took a good look at me pulling at my jacket, dusting off my shoulders. "See you later."

"Thank you," I told them.

Raquel held up her fist in solidarity. "Stay positive my black sister."

My face stalled. "Bye Rock."

"You're still cute!" She insisted before walking away with Kay leaving me to walk into my class, a ghost of a smile on my lips.

I wouldn't know what I would do without them.


I once again spent my free period of the day in the library. This time, I chose a table in the back and picked out a book to read, seeing I had nothing else to work on. I got immersed in reading about a boy on a quest to find his long lost brother, only for my attention to be stolen by a notebook being set down in front of me. The sound and action alone had my eyes jolting upwards.

And for what felt like the millionth time, I was surprised by Quincy standing in front of me.

"What's that?" I asked, looking at what he set down on the table.

"You dropped this in the hallway when you fell." He informed, opening up the notebook showcasing my History homework. "Here." Handing the papers over.

I wanted to sink to the floor at the reminder of what felt like the most embarrassing moment of my high school existence.

"Thank you," I muttered softly, accepting the papers.

"You're welcome." He nodded. "I'll leave you alone now."



I watched him as he walked away with his notebook before I pulled out my backpack, putting the papers inside and got back to my book. My attention didn't last long on the pages as I found my eyes searching for Quincy throughout the room. Ever since he came at me about the girls, I always noticed when we were in the same area. And now it was just a habit.

I spotted him a couple tables away looking like he was taking notes, a notebook and textbook out, writing away with his pen.

I couldn't help but wonder what his handwriting looked like. If it was chicken scratch like Rashad's or decent like the way Calvin's looked.

Quincy wasn't a bad looking dude. He clearly had some growing up to do, as we all did, but it wasn't a secret that he was gonna grow into a fine-looking man. He had a baby face but made it work. With that and his mocha rich skin color, he already had girls swooning over him. And the shining studs he had in his ears completed his look along with the common high top fade all the boys were sporting.

I never heard anything about him getting out of line with anyone, and he seemed like a good dude. Maybe he got called out for fooling around with his friends, but that was about it. He seemed like a simple character.

But something told me he had a deeper mind by the way he talked. There was more to him. And not like I was trying to find out, but I was interested in how'd he really evolve throughout the next couple years. Like how I thought about everyone.

Was Aaron gonna make a move on Kaylen? Was Will gonna shock the world and actually walk out the house in clothes that fit her body? Was Rocky gonna perm her hair like she'd been dying to? When was Nicki gonna get over Rahiem? Who was Quincy gonna be?

Who was I gonna be?

I didn't even notice I was so lost in thought staring away at him until his head turned my way. All I could think to do was quickly pick up my book, shielding my face to make it look like I was reading. My heart racing at the fact that I was caught. My cover up was a fail, and I knew it.

I just hoped that whoever I ended up being was someone who didn't trip over wet floor signs and stare down boys like a predator.

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