Chapter 41: The Betrayal

Start from the beginning

"You're not getting any of his cake!" I heard Mal say as she approached me then led me back to the table. "Theo, you need to defend yourself from them. They've pushed you around enough!" She scolded.

I looked up at her. "What's the point? He'd hurt me anyway." I glanced down at my food, suddenly losing appetite. "I don't even wanna eat anymore."

She just sighed, her hands plopping down on the table. "Fine. Let's just get ready."

In the tent, I was spraying some cologne on my neck when I heard a gasp. All of our focus immediately went to Mal who's completely overturned her bag of makeup and jewelry.

"My bracelet!" She exclaimed, her eyes wandering around in panic. "Oh god, oh god."

"Hey, hey. Calm down for a minute." I reassure, rubbing her shoulders as soon as I reached her.

"Calm down?! I just lost the bracelet I inherited from our great grandmother!"

My eyes widened as my eyes met with the others.

"The blue diamond?" I asked nervously.

When she looked at me, her eyes were filled with tears. "You don't need to remind me how much it costs..."

And then her tears came spilling down. I hugged her tightly but I couldn't stop the glare that's forming on my face knowing that most likely that one of the people that is in this tent is the one to blame, I glared daggers at nothing in particular as my cousin sobbed.


"We haven't found traces of it yet." The teacher said with an apologetic look on his face.

I nodded in understanding. "Thank you so much, sir." I said with a smile.

I continued to calm my cousin down as she laid her head on my shoulder, sobbing very quietly. 

"We'll find it soon, I promise." I whispered.

Hunter came to sit down beside us, resting his elbows on his knees then turned to look at me.

"How are you two holding up?" He asked with a thin smile.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "My cousin's the one with the problem, don't worry about me." I said then looked away. 

"Theo, I know you're nervous... maybe even mad but just know... I'm here for you." He said, a now genuine smile on his pink lips.

I know I can't trust him yet, but I just feel like he's definitely not the deceiving type. Still, I need to be cautious of who I trust. 

I nodded when a teacher approached us holding a ziplock bag where the bracelet was in.

"Oh my god!" Mal ran up to the teacher and grabbed the ziplock bag, tightly holding it in her hands.

"Sir. Thank you so much for this, I hope we didn't bother you with this..." I said with a grateful smile at the teacher.

He waved it off dismissively. "It's no problem, kid. Just be careful with the bracelet again, that looks like it's expensive." 

"Thank you so much again." I said to which he saluted and walked away.

Mal wrapped me in a big hug, jumping up and down. "Gosh, I don't know what I would've done if I actually lost this!" 

Our celebration was immediately cut short when the same teacher approached us again. 

"Uh, Willshire. I also found this just beside the river where we found the bracelet. I didn't open it because it might be yours." He handed me a damned folded yellow paper.

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