CYAN: 17

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Yuki’s POV

“We need more woods.” Ittoki shouted and like dogs responding to a whistle, all the kids ran towards me asking for more lumber.

“Syo! Will you please hurry up!” I shouted at the one responsible for chopping woods.

“Shut up! You do the chopping!” He shouted back at me then went back to his business. His face was covered with sweat and his shirt was sticking to his body. I could be drooling by now if I were his normal everyday fan. I should take a picture and sell it—a sight of him like this could make a fortune, I grinned as I day-dreamed.

“Syo-chan, don’t be like that. You volunteered yourself remember?” Natsuki said while helping the girls design the wishing tree—that is composed of a bamboo tree. “You exchanged places with me because you said you don’t want to do gay stuffs.” Natsuki added.

“Alright, Alright, I get it, now shut up you four-eyed.” He said while cutting a block of wood in half. I smiled in their friendly fight—‘they are such a perfect pair’ I thought to myself while gathering the chopped woods and handing them to the waiting kids.

This is the last day of our celebration here in the children’s home. Yesterday, we helped the kids sell their recycled house ornaments and accessories. It was a lot of fun considering that almost the members of the Shining entertainment was here to help. Even Camus and Ranmaru were unexpectedly forced by Reiji. The outcome of the bazaar was far more successful than we expected. It was enough for making developments on the facilities of the Children’s home and there were still extra for us to use for the celebration.

I even brought my newly bought guitar for the camp-fire tonight. I asked Ai to accompany me the day before yesterday, since I haven’t got the chance to buy last time due to some circumstances.

“Yuuuuuki!” Reiji called out. I turned my gaze towards his direction—the Quartet Night was carrying bags loaded with snacks. I looked at Ranmaru and noticed his bag full of marshmallows—I think I’m drooling. “Where to put these?” Reiji asked and I snapped back to reality, he sounds exhausted. I pointed a long table beside the wishing tree, “there.” He smiled at me before walking his way, “thanks.”

Everything was going quite well, the atmosphere, the sounds of laughing children and whining adults, the smell of nature and food all together—I feel so right. The backyard was the perfect venue—with properly mowed grass, a few trees standing at the edges, a playground at the side, and a small pit in the middle for camping use. With a smile pasted in my face, I picked up small pieces of chopped woods and went to the griller—it was Ren, Tokiya, and Hijirikawa’s job to grill some barbeques, while the remaining members cook inside the home.

“Good job.” Ai approached me. I smiled then nodded, “you too.” He fished inside his pocket then retrieved a mixed color of white and cyan hanky. He wiped my right eye with it—the silkiness of his hanky colliding with my skin and the smell of mint and vanilla all together. Noticing that I was day-dreaming again, I blushed a bit then I looked down, “t-thanks”


All preparations were done and the attire was… anything ordinary, the three of us—me, Shiori, and Haruka-senpai were responsible for the girls. We took our time putting their dresses on and fixing their hairs, there’s no need for make-ups since it was just a simple celebration. Shiori is wearing a simple black, knee-length Sunday dress with sleeves that covers up her entire arm, Haruka-senpai on the other hand is wearing a loosed, beige-colored, thick-strapped, below the knee dress, and for myself—I wore a simple, flowy, bronze-like-brown Sunday dress with a thick dark-blue belt. I let my hair down since it’s a bit cold outside.

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