CYAN: 33

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We hurried to Saotome Academy after telling them what's currently happening. Please let me see the outcome that I have been expecting, please. I knitted my eyebrows while thinking of Ai-Ai. I won't let the past repeat itself, I promised that to myself. If ever things come to worst, at least let me be by my friend's side.

Worry engulfed me the entire journey and the only thing that's on my mind were the possible outcomes of this event and how to approach Ai-Ai after it. Everything else was clouded by my current emotions. Not knowing that 'this' day was the last day that I could talk to Ai-Ai as his true friend.


Yuki... I reached out to her but she just stood there with her eyes wide in shock.

System reboot. It read before I was totally consumed by darkness.

I opened my eyes and waited for the remaining seconds before I fully restart. When I regained my senses, I find myself already lying in bed—in the professor's laboratory to be exact. The lights are all off and no one was in here but me. I looked around, realizing that I was having some kind of expectation, expecting that she's by my side when I come to my senses.

After the past months that I've spent away from her, what I have been doing is asking and answering the same questions over and over again. Some questions were answered yet some remain unclear... and those questions became vaguer as time passed by.

"What could have happened that made my emergency reboot activate?" I asked myself.


Aine? Did I heard it right?

Yuki came closer then grinned. "You suddenly vanished last night without me noticing. I thought you're not going to accompany me today." Her smile widened and I look down at her, unable to mutter a single word. My ability to respond is being blocked and I don't know the reason behind it.

"Aine?" She asked, her face showing a confused countenance.

What is this? My eyes widened as I began to felt cold.

"Oi Aine." Yuki stepped closer but was stopped halfway. "W-why...?" she asked with her eyebrows knitted in worry.

"Huh?" I looked down at my palms as my vision became blurry. Small drops of liquid fell unto my open palms and I have no idea where it's coming from. I looked towards Yuki and she just stood there, frozen. I touched my moistened cheeks.

"Tears? Why?" I asked stupefied. I stepped back while wiping my tears with the back of my palms. Why... am I producing tears? I didn't even order myself to do this. I wiped continuously but it was futile since it will only be replaced by new ones.

Why do I feel so confused? Why didn't it work when I calculated that there is a 50% chance of it working? This feeling is new to me... what is it?

"Disappointment?" I murmured while blankly looking at Yuki.

"A-Ai-Aine." Yuki is getting confused. I don't want to see her get hurt. Should I order myself to act happy? Should I act like Aine? For the first time... I don't know what to do. My chest is burning and the only thing that occupies my mind is hopelessness. I feel the tips of my fingers get cold and my body won't move.

One question popped out of my mind amidst my confusion:

'Why can't I just give up?'

It was one of the few questions that remain unanswered.

Aine is already awake and he can give Yuki things that I couldn't. Why can't I just give up?

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