CYAN: 29

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"Moh, Shining, will you please stop toying with the kids." An effeminate male with pink curls whined while reading the papers in his hands. It was given to him by Saotome and he was asked to deliver them to the people assigned to the task listed.

"Shining. Are you even listening?" Tsukimiya asked with his eyebrow perked in annoyance. The President's back was facing him and it seems like his thoughts are a million miles away. He's just staring blankly outside his window.

"Instead of gaining from them you might lose them forever you know?" Tsukimiya mumbled with worry visible on his voice. "Stop acting as the good-villain already."

"What's wrong with that? I've always dreamt of becoming a villain. And besides, I don't start a problem with no solutions. I already told them the answer, the only problem is... are they willing to do it?"


Reiji's POV

"So it's only you and me huh?" I laughed weakly while pointing at Syo-chan.

"You sure you want to skip the first day of audition?" I asked him again and I'll keep on asking while I still have a chance. It's not that I don't want him to accompany me but, the fact that he badly wanted to be in a movie with his most adored action star-Ryuya is much more important than helping me. As much as possible I don't want him to miss the opportunity. He looked up at me-postponing me from repeating myself. "Nah, I still have tomorrow and the day after that." He said with a smile on his face.

Guess I won't be able to stop him. I smiled as I tucked my hands on my pockets.

"Oiiii... wait wait." A feminine voice emanated from behind us and that made us stop on our tracks. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Ringo-san running after us.

"Tsukimiya-sensei." Syo-chan mumbled.

"Good thing I caught up to you. Here you go." He said cheerfully while handing a paper to Syo.

"Huh?" Syo mumbled with a confused expression.

"It's an assignment from Shining." Ringo-san explained.

"But, why?" Syo asked, still, confusion was evident on his face. Confused myself, I sneak a peek at the paper Syo-chan was holding.

Watch the Japanese version of Magic sword with Saito Yuki. Huh? Even I don't get it.

"Just do it, okay?" Ringo-san winked at us then turned, but before walking away, he told us something mind-bothering.

"Don't think bad of the President. He won't ruin a person's life just for a selfish reason." He said with his back facing us.

"Well then, bye bye." He waved at us then ran back to wherever place his heading.

I looked at my feet, why would he say that when the President already ruined Yuki and Ai's relationship?


We directly went to the coffee shop that Ai-Ai designated. The bell chimed when I opened the door and the scent of coffee tickled my nostrils. I inhaled further and the aroma made me want to order one. Remembering the reason why we went here, I vigorously shook my head to straighten up my concentration.

When Syo-chan called Ai-Ai, Ai-Ai told him that he was already with Yuki so we decided to meet up in a certain place and after a few minutes he e-mailed us the exact location. I roamed my line of sight around the shop, hoping to see a blue-head and a red-head. Even though Aine is back, I really miss being with Ai-Ai-that straight-faced android that takes things literally. Speaking of Aine, I sure do hope he shows up.

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