CYAN: 11

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(Phone vibrating)

My eyes pressed in irritation. The hell is this person’s problem calling this early in the morning. I took my phone from under my pillow and the sudden light stung my eyes. I blinked for a few times then read the name imprinted in my phone.

President Saotome…

I suddenly sat on my bed and that caused my head to spin. I hit the green button and Saotome’s loud voice came ringing in my ears. “Goooood Mooorrrning Ms. Saito.” I crunched my eyebrows in irritation and answered. “Good Morning as well president.”  He laughed out “Come to my office now” he said then killed our source of communication. I turned my gaze towards Ai and found them still asleep with Ai’s back facing Aine. What? Even Ai is still asleep. I peeked at my phone and it was 3:46 in the morning. What does he need me for?

I stood up and slowly walked inside the room. I took my jacket and head out without changing my jamies.


I knocked on the door of his office and let myself in.

My eyes widened upon seeing Saotome dressed up for a trip.

“Good Morning Ms Saito.” He greeted normally. Wew, for once.

“I hope I didn’t disturb your sleep.” Ahhh, yes you did, I thought but I shook my head in a humble disagreement.

“Well you see I’m in a hurry so let’s cut to the chase. You know that every year a new batch of young idols will have to graduate my academy and in two months time we will have to decide the individuals who deserves to have the title of an idol. They’ll have their exams and then the huge debut.” I nodded.

“and because of that the members of my company will have a concert that will be held in two months time. And as we decided from the start: the latest graduate would be the star of the night and I’m pertaining to you, Ms. Saito.” He pointed towards me. Me? What about the other three? I raised my hand to ask but Saotome cut me.

“That’s the reason why I called you and not them. As their seniors you have the duty to inspire them so that they can bring their talents together and shine like you did before. I’ll be out for more or less than a week for some important business and that’s why I called you this early. I talked about this earlier to Ms. Yamato and told her to compose a song for you because I know it requires a lot of time.” He flashed me a grin.

“But to my surprise she came to me last night and showed me these.” He handed me some papers and my eyes grew wide albeit it being tired. “Shiori made these for me?” I asked. “Yeah, who else.” He returned to his annoying accent. “Now then, I expect a lot of things from you.” He shouted then stepped on his window’s frame. I heard the sound of helicopter blades and the wind came rushing in his office. He jumped out and I ran towards his window. The copter came into view and his already inside. “Oh I almost forgot, the whole concert will be broadcasted worldwide.” He shouted then the copter flew away.


I looked at the paper at my hand and smiled. The notes seem to dance in every lines and each of them sways in a very gracious melody. I walked my way towards our room to continue my sleep when the second batch of papers came into view. My steps became smaller as I approached our room. I crunched my eye brows in confusion. Why can’t I hum the second song? Rather… I can’t read the notes written on it. The notes seem… dead. I stopped in my tracks then pivoted.


Ai woke up and noticed that Aine was no longer there. He got out of bed and noticed that Yuki’s bed is empty as well. He calmly looked at his watch and his data was correct, he woke up at the right time. Dismissing the thought of Yuki waking up early without him shaking her out of her bed, he calmly changed his clothes then walked his way to the kitchen.

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