Chapter 0: Character Info

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Full Name: Hailey Pike

Nicknames/Aliases: Hay, Hailstorm, Hails, HayHay

Personality: kind, loyal, intelligent, hardworking, friendly, open-minded, helpful, respectful, brave


Species: Half-Human - Half- Furvus (I made up the Furvus species; You don't have to read it all but some of it to understand certain points)

Age: Two years younger than Jim

Gender: Female

Height: 5'6


Hair: Long raven black hair

>> Style: Braids, ponytail, or down

Eyes: Blue almost white eyes

Defining features: pointy elf-like ears

Professional Status

Affiliation: Starfleet

Occupation: Starfleet Officer

Rank: Morale Officer; Chief Counselor (Second in Commander)

Ship: USS Enterprise

Stats: Alive/Active


> Christopher Pike - Father

> Elizabeth Pike - Mother - Deceased (Died after a mission gone wrong)

> Cyrus Pike - Adopted older brother - (Vulcan; He got adopted at a young age and live mostly on earth so he shows more of his emotions than a normal Vulcan) (Four years older than Hailey)

> Arlo Pike - Adopted older brother - (Human; He is a year older than Hailey)

Relationship status: Single

Friends: Spock (like a brother to her), Bones, Jim, Scotty, Nyota (Uhura), Chekov, Sulu, bridge crew, crew


Likes: reading, helping people, her friends, talking with Jim, stargazing (with Jim), Her father, her brothers

Dislikes: losing people, spiders, toxic people

Positive traits: kind, loyal, intelligent, hardworking, friendly, open-minded, helpful, respectful, brave, protective

Negative traits: short-tempered at times, can be clingy, nervous

Hobbies: reading, writing, training, chess, cooking, baking, organizing, hanging with her brothers

Secret Hobbies: none

Habits: biting her lips while thinking or nervous

Fear: Losing people she loves

Birthday: June 18


- Morale officer. She is the ship's therapist that helps them with their emotions, mental health, and how to adjust to living in space. She is a psychologist.

- She's the Chief Counselor.

- She is Christopher Pike's daughter so she was born and raised in space and never wants to leave the stars.

- Two older brothers that were adopted when she was younger. They are close but all have different jobs.

- She graduated from Starfleet academy at age 16. She was top of her class and excelled in everything making her a good candidate for any position.

- She was trained in hand to hand combat since she was little. Her parents wanted her to be able to defend herself.

- She was also trained for in the instant that she was captured and tortured she would not say anything. She was trained to protect information and not reveal anything.

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