Pokemon Challenge

Start from the beginning

"Sorry Octavia, I almost lost track of why we're even here." I giggle, apologetically. 

She just smiles and walks ahead of me, I catch up to her so we can do our signature walk. We step onto the fake grass and look at each other as the announcement comes on, we wait until afterwards to surprise the roaring crowd. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Boys and Girls, going up against our champion this year is the one, the only...."


We take that as our queue and strut in sync to or stating place. We both then simultaneously take off our glasses and wink, then we do a sassy snap.  We put our glasses back on as the crowd cheers and laughs. I look at her and she looks at me, we then break down laughing. We both cross our arms and look at the hole on the ground. We were both confused as hell. 

"What a way to introduce yourselves! Now... for what you all have been waiting for..."

"The reason Smii7y is even here today..."

"The one man who holds the record of longest standing Champion.."


It all happened so slowly.. I could suddenly see his face as he rose from the hole in the ground on a platform. Once the platform was all the way up, I was easily intimidated. Towering 3 inches above me at 6'1, Kryoz stood in front of me. Only a few feet away from me was the man I've heard so much about in just 4 years. He never fails to amuse me. His bleached white hair that touched his shoulders, his long caramel roots, his turquoise eyes that I could easily get lost in.. His fashion sense was also stunning. He stood there with his arms crossed in front of him, wearing a black and white striped button up, black skinny jeans, and those damb red boots. He looked down at me with a slight smile. 

"Smii7y.." He spoke, I've heard his voice so many times. But something about hearing him in person was different though, his voice sounded almost angelic. 

"It's go good to finally meet you, the one person who is a possible threat to my Championship record." He says, his smile fades as I open my mouth and talk. 

"Kryoz...." I start, not knowing what to say. 

"The one man I've been looking forward to meeting for 4 whole years." I explain, smiling softly. 

He tilts his head down and gives me the 'oh really?' look, I simply nod. He looks at my shiny Victini his eyes go wide. 

"We need to talk after this." He says plainly.

"We'll see." I say quickly, motioning for Octavia to get on my shoulder. 

She jumps up onto my right arm and climbs to my shoulder, standing there with one hand on my head and the other on her waist. Kryoz raises and eyebrow at this but just shrugs it off.

"Well, Smii7y, I'm glad I could say a few words before I obliterate you." He smirks, cocky written all over his face. He was used to this.

"In you dreams, Kryoz." I say through clenched teeth. 

"We'll see." He whispers as he walks backwards to his spot. 

I mimic his movements and take out the poke-ball the contains my Shiny Mimikyu, I had quite a few shinies. I had a habit of finding shiny Pokemon. I guess it was luck, but sometimes I think it's Octavia. I snap back into reality when Kryoz sends out a Cursola. Perfect. Cursola is a Ghost type and Ghost types have a weakness of Dark. 

(For the sake of the rest of this chapter, Jaren's pokemon are; (Shiny) Victini, (Shiny) Mimikyu, Dragonite, Lapras, Dragapult, and(Lowkey) Toxtricity. 
John's are; Cursola, Runerigus, Corviknight, Barraskewda, Flapple, and the show stopping Tyranitar.) 

I send out my  shiny Mimikyu and Kryoz looks at it then back at me, I could tell he was mentally slapping himself.  He knew that this wasn't going to be an easy fight.

-Time Skip- 

Kryoz was down to his final Pokemon and so was I. We both had them in their Dynamax forms as we shouted attacks. His Tyrantiar was on it's last sliver of health, but it was my turn now. He was done for. I then made a move that made Kryoz give me a look of pure shock, and made everyone in the crowd so silent. 

"Smii7y decides he wants to wait to kill of Kryoz!?!" The announcer yells in shock.

I decided to revive Octavia just to finish him off in the most sassy was possible, I even used a max revive because I knew Kryoz was going to kill off my Toxtricity. 

He did end up killing my toxtricity and his Tyranitar returned to normal as I sent out the beast herself, Octavia. She had taken out three of Kryoz's pokemon before finally fainting, she had put up one hell of a fight. What can I say, it's all friendship. 

Octavia ran out in front of me and awaited my word. I told her to use the 'you know what' move and of course she knew what I was talking about, V-create. Octavia created a "V" with her arms and lit up, sending out a V shaped flame and immediately turned into a flaming ball that she threw at Kryoz's Tyranitar.

"And just like that, Kryoz's 4 years of championship has come to an end!" 

Me and Octavia take off our glasses and wink at Kryoz, making his cheeks turn crimson. Then he walks up to us, meeting us halfway. We walk up to him and he smiles at us. He then moves to my side and grabs my left arm, moving it up into the arm in one swift motion. He looks at me and with the biggest grin I've ever seen and he whispers, 

"Congratulations, SMii7y." 

I blush at him and smile back and look back at the crowd, everyone was cheering for their new champion. 

I was excited.

-About 10 Minutes Later-

"Hey Smii7y!" I hear a familiar voice ring out, I turn around and sure enough, It's Kryoz.

"Kryo-" I start, but was cut off by him raising a hand to silence me.

"John. John Keyes." He smiles. 

"Nice to officially meet you, John. I'm Jaren, Jaren Smith." I smile putting out a hand. 

He gently takes it and we shake hands. We return to our normal state when he takes his hand away to bend down and look at Octavia. 

"Well aren't you one hell of a powerhouse." He smiles. 

"Yeah, Octavia's got a lot of fight in her." I say, stopping what I was doing to look at her and smile. 

"Octavia huh? Nice to meet you, you seem quite smart." John's smile brightens, if that possible. 

Octavia just jumps around and makes her 'happy noise' which is just her yelling "Thank you". 

"She can speak English?" John asks me.

"Yeah, I taught her some." I smile at him.

"That's amazing..." He said, staring at her in awe.

"Anyways, I have to get going, the nurses are probably wondering why I left my Pokemon and ran off." He explains, his smile faltering. I could see something in his eyes, he was hiding something behind those smiles. 

He pulls out a vape pen and starts to walk away when I stop him by grabbing his arm, he turns around and gives me a confused look.

"Want us to come with?" I ask, Octavia on my shoulder giving him the biggest grin. 

 "Please do."

Hello everyone. How are you? 

 Thank you for reading, and enjoy this beautiful song. Brought to you by Octavia the Shiny Victini. 

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