╳ Request Pref. 4 ≫ Reacting to you self harming

Start from the beginning

You were currently curled up into a ball on the side of the couch, buried in a blanket, wearing a plum purple pair of sweats and a black sweatshirt. Even though it was hot as shit. Victor sat on the other side of the couch, rubbing his chin in thought.

"Don't be a smart ass, you know what I mean." Vic chuckled as he picked up the phone, you shrugged, knowing Vic would call for Chinese takeout anyways, you realized after a full 6 months of dating, that he didn't enjoy pizza, explaining that he used to have it all the time as a child. It just didn't appease him that much anymore. You understood that. But pizza was life and sometimes you wanted to make Vic realize how good it can be, but he was stubborn as hell.

You sat up, kissing Vic on the head and motioning you were gonna use the washroom quickly, he just nodded as he started to order some food, pausing every couple of seconds, probably to listen to the guy on the other line.

You closed the door behind you. Quickly rolling your sleeves up, realizing the bandages were starting to bleed through. You cursed and sighed deeply. Quickly starting to unwrap the one on your left arm. You wrapped the bandages into a ball and shoved them into the trash can, before undoing the other and splashing cold water.

It had been exactly three years. You had started after your parents had divorced. They fought for months over who should get custody, but when your dad found another women, and got her knocked up, he decided he didn't need you as a kid anymore. He hadn't called you or visited since the baby was born, which was two years ago.

Your mother started drinking, and was mostly never home, and when she was she was sleeping, or getting ready for work, still hungover or a little drunk.

You just wanted to be noticed again, but the way the blade would feel against your skin made you feel better, it made you realize you were still human, watching the blood trickle slowly down your arm, feeling the little rush of dizziness as you would grip the side of your bathroom counter.

You stared at them in the mirror, some were fully faded, other wise they were scared or still bleeding. You continued to wash the dried blood gently off your arms, quickly dabbing it with a black washcloth, keeping the slight pressure on it as you rewrapped it carefully. Though when the door opened you felt the wrap fall from your fingers. Your first instinct was to close the door, but it was too far, so all you could do was nothing as victor walked in.

The smile on his face faltered slowly as he realized what was impressed into your arms, his breathing suddenly became ragged and he choked slightly, before grabbing your arm and forcing you closer to him.

His touch was as gentle as it could've been, but it didn't stop the pain from shooting into your arm as his finger accidentally pressed against a tender wound.

Patrick Hocksetter

Your mother wasn't very happy when she found out you were going on a date with one of the most feared kids in Derry. She whined and whined about how you needed to be careful and that maybe this wasn't a good idea. Explaining in graphic detail what could happen to her baby.

You ignored her rants. She often did this with everyone she could, digging up information on the matter and always finding something that didn't make the person good.

So when she came up with multiple reasons why Patrick was nothing but a playboy and a manipulative liar, you couldn't help but want to go out even more.

He had asked you in the most gentlemanly way possible. Waiting at your locker than giving you a single purple picked flower that he got from the school garden the nature class had planted a month ago.

It was a very lovely gesture, considering that picking flowers from the school garden was worth a two week detention. So having him successfully and easily deliver you the flower. He didn't really ask you.

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