You groan.

Then Will walks in the room, holding a wiggling Karla in his arms, "I require assistance." He says, looking at you.

Karla is Will and Sidney's spunky five year old daughter. You have a feeling that half the time Will and Sidney feel like they're driving a dynamite truck. Moderation is not and will never be in Karla's vocabulary. She's a natural fighter, ready to argue at any time. Her motto is something similar to "war on any provocation". She's sarcastic and quick tempered. Like her mother she is very smart, especially in mechanical matters. Naturally, you love Karla. She may or may not be your favorite small child, besides your own.

You smile, "Okay."

Karla watches her Dad uneasily. You walk over and kneel down next to Karla, "What's the problem?"

"He's trying to put me in My Little Pony pajamas." She scowls.

"They're the only pajamas we brought!" Will argues.

You shoot Will a warning glance, "Well, how about I let you borrow one of my shirts and you can wear that to sleep in? I know you dont like My Little Pony, anyway."

Karla smiles, "Yeah!"

You nod and say to Will, "You can take your pick from my suitcase. It's upstairs in our family's room."

He nods and looks at you gratefully, "How do you do it?"

You smirk, "Comprise."

Will grumbles, "In my day, there was no comprise, you did what your parents told you or you got in trouble."

You laugh as he walks up the stairs, " 'In your day'. You're starting to sound like an old man, Will."

He grumbles, "I'm starting to become an old man."

Wright walks in, "Have you seen my children?"

You glance around, "No. They're probably upstairs with Byron and Bradley. Playing video games or something."

Wrights eyes widen, "Uh-oh. Leila doesn't need to watch those violent video games!"

He turns on his heel and runs up the stairs. You chuckle as you make your way back to the dining room. Juliette had two older boys, Gale and Grayson, after she graduated from BYU and became a hygenist. And of course she'd married Wright and her last name changed to Country. Both had Weights red hair. However, Gales facial features looked a little more like Juliettes and Graysons looked more like Wrights. Then she had her dream little girl, Leila. She looked exactly like Juliette. And Juli pampered her like she was a princess. All of Juli's children were imaginative and easy going. Which made matters much easier for the picture perfect dentist family.

Just as you sit down you, the doorbell ring again, "FOR THE LOVE OF MONKEYS!" You yell.

You've had to watch your language over the past seven years. You didn't want Shad or Bradley picking up anything bad.

You walk to the front door AGAIN. This time Vanessa and Ki stand on the other side. Their oldest child, Luna pushes her way in, asking, "Where's Shad?"

"Upstairs." You answer, "Wait, I dont get a hug?"

Luna looks up at you with her big blue eyes, and tan skin, smirking. She wraps her arms around your legs quickly before she charges towards the stairs.

"Play nicely!" Ki calls after her.

You look at Ki, he holds two boys hands, Homer, the second child, and Jacob the their third. Both boys were shy like their Dad. And they looked like him too, unlike Luna, who looked like her Mom. You smile at them and wave. They grin and bury their faces in their Dads legs, trying to hide. Then you look to Vanessa. On her hip she carries their smallest child, Johnah. He has his older sister and Moms personality. Very outgoing.

Jumping on the Train (Thomas Sangster fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن