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Billie Eilish – i love you

"It's not true, tell me I've been lied to

You didn't mean to say 'I love you'

I can't escape the way I love you

I don't want to, but I love you."

Harry stood motionless for a long time, staring at the railing that Draco had gone over. Only when the sky started to lighten did he move, finding a Death Eater's wand and summoning a Patronus. He told it his message and sent it to Hogwarts. Then he collapsed to his knees and waited.

McGonagall, Dumbledore and a few other teachers arrived some time later, bringing with them Ministry of Magic authorities. They confirmed the Death Eaters were dead, found the Slytherin seventh years elsewhere in the building, and recovered Harry and Draco's wands.

McGonagall was crouched before him and Harry knew she was trying to say something to him, but he couldn't summon the energy to process the words. He only kept staring at the spot where Draco was supposed to be. He didn't take his eyes off it until they lifted him up and guided him from the room. He struggled at first, but then let them take him outside.

The sun was hovering over the ocean now, casting the ancient castle in soft gold light. Harry looked towards the cliffs, searching the waves crashing below. His chest was tight, and he wanted to throw himself into the water to look for him, to bring back his body.

But instead he let them disapparate him, and then he was looking at a different castle. Absently, he was aware of being taken up to the infirmary and his wounds being treated. They gave him a potion and he faded into sleep.

When he woke, his friends surrounded the bed. He shut out their questions, and eventually they gave up and all but Hermione left. She sat by his bedside, content to sit in silence, and watched him.

After a long time, he spoke, saying the two words he had been most afraid to voice but knowing that it was the truth. "He's dead."

Hermione only took his hand and squeezed, letting him know she was there. She held onto him as he finally let go of the tears, allowing himself to feel the pain of the loss. Once the sobs started, he couldn't stop, and Hermione stayed by him until exhaustion took him once again. 


I know this one was short and sad but the next chapter is my absolute favourite and I can't wait for you to read it! I promise, you'll finally know what really happened to Draco. Also listen to the song while reading for the best effect. x

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