one door closes

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Billie Eilish – everything i wanted

"If I could change the way that you see yourself

You wouldn't wonder why you hear

'They don't deserve you.'"

Draco spent the rest of the day hunting down Pansy and Blaise between classes. He wasn't looking forward to this chat, as he'd kind of been avoiding them so far. But they had once been his friends, and if Potter could make an effort to be friends with someone like him, then he could make an effort to reconcile with his own friends.

He finally found them lounging under a tree in the courtyard and braced himself as he walked over.

"Pansy, Blaise," he greeted.

"Draco," Pansy replied.

He didn't know what to say, so he jumped straight to his current predicament. "You're going to this drinks thing on Friday, right?" They both gave small nods, and Draco gathered his resolve. "I was hoping we could stick together when we go, like old times."

It was a weak proposal, he knew, and he saw straight away that it didn't go over well with Pansy. She stood up to face him properly, and Draco had to will himself not to cringe away from the fire in her eyes.

"What, you expect you can mend your bridges just like that? Look, I know that you went through some shit Draco, but we all did. The least you could've done was reach out. We would've been there for you. But instead you shut us out, even when we tried to contact you during the Trials. So don't expect us to be there for you now when you obviously don't want our friendship, you just want someone there to be your buffer."

Her last words were practically spat at him, and Draco finally did flinch at that. He felt his stomach caving in, and he looked to Blaise for some assistance, but there was only a cold indifference in his face. Pansy sat back down with a huff.

"I don't think we'll be going on Friday night anymore," Blaise said calmly.

Draco could only nod and walk back the way he came, mourning the little piece of his heart that he left behind with them.

He avoided pretty much everyone for the next couple of days, but he knew that he would have to talk to Potter in Potions, so he thought he should probably let him know sooner rather than later that he was no longer going to come on Friday. Better to get it over with.

On the way to class, when Draco spotted the Golden Trio, he saw his opportunity.

"Potter," he called out, causing the three of them to stop. "I need to talk to you."

Potter nodded to his friends to carry on ahead, and then walked alongside Draco at a slower pace. "What's up?"

"I've changed my mind about Friday."

"Nooo!" Draco really wanted to point out that he sounded like a child, but kept his mouth shut. "Why, did something happen?" Draco tried to keep his face blank but was apparently unsuccessful. "What happened, Malfoy?"

"It doesn't matter." Potter only stared at him, waiting for an answer, until Draco sighed and figured he may as well tell him. "Pansy and Blaise aren't going anymore so I just don't want to be the only Slytherin there. That's all."

"Wait, why aren't they going anymore?"

Draco pursed his lips, unsure of how much he should say. "Because of me."

"I thought you were friends with them."

"So did I."

"Hey, hey." Potter stopped them just outside the door to the classroom, everyone else having already gone in. "If you ever need to talk to someone, I'm here. I know this is new and all, but I really want this to work."

Draco could only stare at Potter. He'd rarely ever had anyone offer to be there for him in his times of need. Every instinct told him to push away any and all kindness, to deal with it on his own the way he was raised to. But where had that gotten him? Standing here in front of him was Harry Potter himself, with his stupid glasses and messy hair and earnest green eyes, just wanting to be there for him. Curse him for being so perfect.

"And I'd still really like for you to come on Friday," Potter added.

Draco pinched the bridge of his nose. How could he say no? "Okay, okay."

He looked back up to see Potter grinning, and the sight of it made Draco warm, because he had caused it. "Come on, let's go inside."

The whole lesson, Draco couldn't stop staring at Potter's smile. 

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