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Civil Twilight – Letters From The Sky

"You're coming back for me."

Draco went over the message again and again in his head.

You can't get rid of me that easily. Tell me where to find you.

He shouldn't have answered, knew that it was dangerous. But he wanted to see him, needed to see him. And if Harry had somehow gotten his memories back... it was a good thing, he told himself. He had regretted it anyway. So why was he so scared to face him?

He knew the risks. He couldn't let them get to Harry again, so he would see him, and he would tell him that it would be the last time. It was too late for him, but he could still save Harry. He just had to see him one last time.

He heard the sound of someone apperating behind him and took a moment to calm his expression. He couldn't go running into his arms, or he'd never let go. Slowly he turned around.

Harry's hair was whipped back and forth in the harsh sea wind. He looked out at the water, then up at the crumbling castle above them, taking it all in. They were on a secluded section of the beach along from the cliffs, walled in by great mounds of rock that provided little shelter from the wind and spray, but it was the best Draco could come up with.

When Harry looked back at Draco, he could see the desire in his eyes and knew he remembered.

"I know why you did it, Draco. I know it was to protect me."

"I'm sorry," Draco said.

"I know. But none of that matters now." He held out his hand. "Draco come home with me."

"I can't."

"Yes, you can." He took a few steps forward, but Draco stayed rooted to his spot, digging his heels into the coarse sand.

"Harry, you don't understand. It's my father," Draco said, his voice cracking. "He's out. He's here."

Harry faltered for a moment, but he kept coming forward.

"Draco, I can protect you. You don't have to be afraid."

"I'm doing this to protect you!" he cried.

"No," Harry said, coming to a stop in front of Draco. "All you're doing is leaving me alone, without the person I need most."

Draco couldn't form words, couldn't find the strength he needed to say what he had to say. Harry raised a hand to Draco's cheek, and Draco leaned into it, his eyes slipping shut and a tear escaping.

"Draco... come home."

He gave in and threw his arms around Harry's waist, holding onto him as tight as he could. Harry gripped him back, and within his arms Draco felt like he was already home.

"Please don't ever let me go," he whispered, his words almost carried away on the wind.

He felt Harry tense, then shout, "Draco!" and spin them around.


The curse hit Harry in the back, right where it would have hit Draco, and Harry went down. His scream tore through Draco and he fell to his knees as Harry collapsed in the sand, arching against the pain as if he could get away from it.

"No!" He looked over Harry to see his father advancing towards them, his wand trained on Harry. "You bastard, stop it!"

Lucius released the curse, and Harry curled in on himself, coughing and choking. Draco reached for him, trying to lift his face out of the sand, but then there were hands grabbing him roughly and hauling him away. Someone else grabbed Harry and lifted him up, but he hung limp.

His father stalked up to him, and Draco tried to free his hands but they were bound behind his back. "I knew you would disappoint me," he spat in Draco's face. He raised his wand, and everything went black. 

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