The Beginning

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 Izuku's POV

The doctor had told my mommy something. By the look of her reaction, it was bad. Mommy was crying buckets and was apologizing to me like a mantra.

I didn't understand and tilted my head innocently. "Mommy, why are you crying?"

"I-It's nothing baby. I-I'm sorry." She sniffed. "How about l-let's g-go home? I'll make you your f-favorite tonight." She promised. I lit up like a Christmas tree and jumped off the tall seat I was on and started pulling her to the door.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" I cheered. Mommy wiped her tears away and thanked the doctor who only gave her a sympathetic smile. "Katsudon! Katsudon! Katsudon!" I babbled, pulling my mommy out of the hospital.

"Watch out!" A voice warned shortly before something or someone was thrown into the wall. It was a hero! But he was injured and looked to be struggling to fight. I tried to cheer him on but a scary presence came after him. Unfortunately, I relied on my instincts more often than not as a child so instead of staying with my mommy, I attempted to pull the hero to safety only to take the full force of the blast.

A scream.



Plain, empty, cold, and lonely darkness.

I felt like I was falling.

I couldn't see anything.

My senses were failing me.

I didn't know what was happening.

And by the time I was conscious, I was no longer in Musutafu. I was no longer in Japan either if the signs were anything to go by. It was at this moment that I realized that I had been sent to America before powers or quirks were a common sight. And I also realized that I knew nothing. And that scared me more than being alone.

"Oh my god! Honey, come look!" An unfamiliar voice. Female. Young.

"What is it sweetheart? Oh." Another unfamiliar voice. This time, male. Also young.

"Can we adopt? I mean, I know we'd be busy whenever the circus stops for a show but we're mostly free anyway. Plus, we aren't able to get a kid ourselves. And I don't think it's humane to just leave him here all alone."

Oh? I, despite being so young, knew what adoption meant. And since I didn't know where I was, I listened. I didn't want to be alone. It didn't matter to me that I couldn't understand a single word that fell through their lips. But the more they talked, the more I understood. Their gestures and facial expressions helped with the translating. And from their little chat, I got the gist that it went something like this.  "It's a baby!" "Do you wanna keep it?" "Can we? I mean, with our line of work,  it should be fine right? And I don't think it'd be nice of us to leave him here alone."

In the end, I was entered into the government system as  Richard John Grayson. Since they didn't really know what my true name was, the couple gave me a new name. I later found that they were two acrobats who were part of a circus and regularly called the "Flying Graysons". I lived with them for years, learning acrobatics and some form of education. We moved a lot due to being part of a circus but it was fun for the most part.

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