"Mark came to me and asked about us."

I folded my arms across my chest.

That action made his eyes fall on my closed up form. A glimmer of smirk fell on his lips.

"You find this funny because...?"

His eyes drawn up to me and I feel myself closing in, suffocating from his stare. His face lost his smile and once again he stare at me blankly. "No. It wasn't."

" Tell me what happened. I'm sure you had better things to do than to mess with my friends."

"I wasn't messing with your friends. "

"Then tell me Xavier! I'm done with the guesses! You lead me nowhere and I'm not sure what are your real intentions are. I'm sure you find this amusing and somewhat funny but for me I'm done with your games. I want you out of my life, my friends. I just want you gone! Gone, you get me? " My hands raked my hair in frustration and lifted both of my hands in anger.

Xavier dropped his sight and looked at the tips of his shoes. " I wasn't playing games to you. My feelings were real-"

"Bullshit." I laughed and blew out the front part of my hair. "You are confessing shit now? What a surprise!"

"I'm clean with my intentions. And you know that." Xavier glared at me, pushed himself off the wall. I think I offended his ego.

Fck him.

"You think you got no fault in here?" I walked towards him and pushed him on the wall. "You think you come clean because it was all just an arranged by your father?"

I pushed him again but he didn't move. Damn, the man was strong as brick! He swallowed a lump of his throat and face me with the same tensed look I did on him. I spat,"You think you have the right to do what you think you do? Well, flash news to you Xavier, what you done was cowardly. Sneaking on the club and kissing me for a goodbye was cowardly. Sure you said your sorry but what does sorry can do? Huh?"

"Sorry meant bullshit. Just like how you did to me! You little twat-" I was suppose to slap him but Mary  went between Xavier and I.

She bit her lip, looking over Xavier who shook his head to her.

When she started, Xavier breathed out a sigh, he looked at Mary for a fleeting minute, shook his head in disappointment and went out to relieve himself. He silently excused himself leaving us alone with Mary to explain.

She looked at me, searching for something on my face. She bit her lip before saying, " Mark went into Xavier across the coffee shop. He was threatening him because of what Xavier done to you. "

" They were fighting Cassy I didn't know what to do. I was engrossed in trying to stop both of them. " Another set of falling tears escaped her eyelids. As she released her bitten lip, she bit so strongly it shed blood on it. " Too occupied to make out a truck passing by. Xavier saved him, Cassy. He pulled Mark to him but he fell and Mark ended up hitting some rock before he lost sense. "

She gave me a sad smile, " Xavier saved him."

" Then why is he here then?" I fold my arms across my chest. I gestured to the  the grocery shopping bag my eyes watered as I seen Xaviet carrying these plastic bag so effortlessly.

" He is here because I asked him a favor to buy us something for Tiny Spot. "

" Tiny Spot? " My forehead creased. This time, I looked at her thoroughly.

" Tiny Spot." Mary gave me a heartbreaking grin, tears fell on her eyes, in her cheeks, making her face puffy and red. " I'm pregnant!"

I slowly took a step back. Pregnant. One word. Eight letters.

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