chapter 25

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After few hours. The girls were sitting in the living room, while waiting for boys, dressed in boys cloths. Boys took so much time to get ready in girls cloth. Girls were losing their patience little by little.

Avanya: yar!! When will these boys come? How much time do they need to get ready?

Nisha- Exactly!! See got ready so quickly.

Ananya: Girls, have some patiience. Obviously it will take time for them to get ready in girls wear. They will come in a while.

Avanya: di, you are always taking Jiju’s side now a days. From now only you have changed.

Avanya pouted at Ananya, which made her chuckle.

Ananya: Ani, relax. I just stated fact, obviously, I will be on your side always forever.

Avanya smiled widely and hugged Ananya. Just then door opened and boys came out shyly. Girls opened their mouth and looked at boys with awestruck. Abhishek snapped his fingers infront of Anna, which made her come out of her trance. She walked to boys and stood beside them.

Anna: So boys over here, I am proudly proudly Girls of our Nigam Residence. First one is our gorgeous Sumedhika (Sumedh)

Sumedh walked forward with his one hand on his hip and gave flying kiss to Ananya and winked at her. Ananya was dumbfold at his doe like eyes and blushed instantly.

Anna: second one is...

She checked out Abhishek from top to bottom and controlled her laugh somehow, seeing his glare.

Anna: Sexy Abhinavi (Abhishek)

Abhishek: Shut up yar, Anna.

Anna: how mean you are!! Did you see Sumedhika, how lovingly she gave flying kiss to Ansh (Ananya)

Everyone burst into laugh hearing her. Abhishek kissed her cheeks.

Avanya: Guys, stop your PDA. This is time to introduce a hottie Siya (Siddharth). You are so hot, man... oops, woman.

Siddharth rolled his eyes at her. She chuckled at him.

Siddharth: and you are looking handsome in my shirt.

He winked at her. Avanya blushed hearing his shirt.

After teasing for a while, boys sat with girls.

Sumedh: so, what is the plan for our engagememt?

Avanya: obviously, dance!! But before that I have one surprise for Nisha.

Nisha: and what is that surprise?

Avanya: first, close your eyes.

Nisha closed her eyes, Avanya opened the laptop and told Nisha to open her eyes. Nisha saw the laptop screen and looked at Avanya.

Nisha: why did you make Aarav (Nisha’s bf) dress like girl?

Avanya: when my bf dress like boy, your bf should also dress like that.

Nisha: It’s us only here, Anya. But there are so many people in his house.

Avanya: so worrying about him.

Nisha nodded her head, which brought victory smile on Avanya and Aarav’s face.

Aarav: so you forgave me finally.

Nisha: amm yes, now go and do your work. I will call you in a while. If you say any excuse at that time, then breakup

Aarav: okay, chill!! Bye.

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