Doomed From The Beginning

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Exactly how long has this whole ordeal been taking place, I wonder? Human trafficking were established to sustain the hunger of demons, but why? Can't they consume the meat of others, or do they like the taste of our organs better? Ray never told me anything beyond the basis of the outside world.

"But, what did I knew?"

I know that they eat us children, but I knew not why; I know that our orphanage was truly a farm, but I don't know how or what settled this system. It's easy to say that demons are the world's primogeniture beings, but somethings were just telling me otherwise.

I can't stop myself from asking these questions, though much more things are in need of attention — like the tracker on my left ear, for example. "Well, here goes nothing."

I lifted my hand that wielded a sharp blade and rested it just on the tip of my ear — And with a quick, just action, I sliced it clean off. But, the blood still oozes with effort. So, in a hasty manner, I dug deep within my survival bag to yank out the clean, thick, and white cloth; along with the sterile gauze and antibiotics ointment.

In a lousy endeavor, I finished treating the side of my head — the one with the missing organ, of course. "But it still hurts like hell though."

Ray better have his transmitter-crippling device ready, if the much younger children were to come along with. I do worry whether they'll be able to tolerate the pain — and Emma as well. To be honest, she can be a bit whiny from time to time; but, after three years, who knows how far she could've grown. "Hopefully enough that she'll be able to get by without me... if the worst ever happens."

I then glanced at the scattered items along the dirt floor and thought about how much a mess I've made trying to find the correct tools to stop my bleeding. "It'd be best if gather all these up now then, and quickly get a move on."

But as I were, a strange and low whirring sound came into the hearing range of my one and only ear. It made my shoulders tense, and practically ordered me to look all around — to my left, right, and everywhere else in between — but, it suddenly died down not long after. There was no use prolonging my escape; whatever that noise was, it was a clear sign for me to skedaddle my way out of this forest.


"It was... a truck?" There, at the large and intimidating gates of our house, lies a parked vehicle inside.

I approached slowly, getting past the actual steel gates — which were oddly wide open — and stopping only at the the truck's backside. Truth be told, it was my first time witnessing an automobile in real life, so I was restlessly ecstatic. "Woah."

I checked it's cargo hold, but it loads only air; next was it's cabin, but no driver was operating it like the book I read told me — but with that said, there was a huge possibility that whomever owns this vehicle was an ally for the enemies.

Then, couldn't I just steal this vehicle? Surely, that would create enough of a commotion to garner the farm's security and demons, then they'll soon come after me; making Emma and the other's escape easier to enact. "The problem is... I haven't learned how to drive yet."

But, as I try to figure out what to do next, a chilling gust of wind came breathing down the back of my neck and two lengthy, skeletal hands held down both my shoulders; disabling me from going anywhere. "Well, look at what we have here, my dearest brother..."

I tried my best to dislodge from his clutches, but to no avail. So instead, I looked straight up and saw for myself the devilish features of this massive creature — he had a long pointy face that displayed it's two eyes vertically and a horn sticking out from both sides — yet, the most frightening part was that he had another demon along with him.

"Hmm... some would say that the boy you hold is a plantation escapee, but I only see dinner." The other demon cackled, finally coming into view.

The demon holding onto my shoulders aggressively spun me around and sent me flying to the side of the parked truck. And at that moment, I saw a clear view of what they looked like in full — They were terrifying.

And even though I'm free of the right demon's hold, I still couldn't command either of my legs to run. Needless to say, I was frozen in place due to absolute fear — if you were to see me now, you would only view a deer in headlights.

"I see you've already amputated your ear, rendering any of us to track you down." One of them spoke to me. "Too bad that you've chosen to flee through here."

"Then again, it wasn't as though you had any other choice, did you, boy?" He continued. "After scaling the walls, you'd be faced with a cliff."

A cliff? Then, that meant Ray's plan was doomed from the very beginning.

"Hey brother, you don't suppose that since this merchandise is already damaged, they'd let us have him?" The other one spoke up — the one on the left. "Gobbling him up now would only do a great service to everyone, am I wrong? He surely was about to escape."

"Perhaps." His brother agreed.

"WAIT!" I shouted.

"Oh how rude of us, does our meal wish to speak any final words?"

"Let's make a deal..."

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