Happy Birthday, Elios

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It was more starry tonight than I initially thought... and a lot colder. It was definitely quiet though; in fact, the sum of which you are only able to hear were the calming hoots of owls and the evidently gushing wind that rustles the leaves of bushes, grasses, and the many trees surrounding our house, scattered like.

After Ray and I had our squabble in the dining room, his whole scheme of letting us children loose amok in a world filled to the brim with demons hasn't sat well with me. We needed shelter... a safe place... a promised land! And I doubt that we would be able to find that, so instead, I plan to exterminate the entirety of demonkind — It would develop slowly, but it sure will be a prosperous agenda.

Technically speaking, I could enact a full on escape for the rest of my siblings tonight, but I had an idea. It's a long shot, yet if everything turns out according to plan, then it would inevitably be better in the long run. "Hey, Ray, other than the wall, is there any other way out?"

"Not that I know of." He admitted. "There's the gates, but I advice you not to try..."

"Any particular reason?"

"Well, for starters, we don't know where it actually leads; not to mention all the inconveniences you'd have to avoid if you take that route, there's demons, guards, and all sorts of security measures."

"Too many risk factors..."

"Exactly, so you're better off climbi—" Ray didn't even get to finish his sentence as I passed him down the makeshift rope made out of spare tablecloths.

"Could you take those back to the storage room for me, please?" I say. "I won't need it."

He was visibly confused, but it was soon replaced by his furrowed brows and scrunched up face as a sign of him detesting. "You're not seriously plotting to head towards the gates, are you?"

"Actually, Ray, I am."

"Can I ask why?"

I looked up high at the beautiful midnight sky and thoroughly thought of a proper and clear way to voice my exposition. After a brief pause, I gathered up the correct words and proceeded to make him understand my decision. "Ray, from the time you've known, have you ever tried viewing our whole predicament as a mere chess game?"

"A chess game?" He repeated. "No, not at all."

"Then, try thinking of mom as a pawn, one that is under the control of demons and is keeping all of us under a state of check." I continued. "All the children who've died thus far, they're also pawns and you've used them all as means of sacrifice."

He was liking my phrasing less and less, but he acknowledged where I was getting at. "So, by advancing towards the gates, you'd be gifting them a surprise attack — putting their own king in check; or at the very least, draw back their progressing units, making them focus on you — Am I correct?"

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Ray."

This boy is definitely smart, no doubt about it, he catches on faster than a bolt of lightning can strike the ground. If I can figure out how to kill one of them, then they'd most likely focus all their might on me, the rampaging child who haunts the dreams of demons alike — but with that being said, the actual attack would be held off until Grace Field's grand escape is underway.

Ray just sighed deeply and massaged the side of his temples. "Alright, if you're so sure about this, then I won't get in the way; but try and be alive prior to Emma's escapes, got it? Find her immediately because she'd be irrationally scouring the whole damn globe just to find you, and I highly doubt that the concept of death or demons would even faze that idiot when she's after you."

Emma... "Of course, Ray. I care a lot for Emma, I won't just let her be demon food."

"I hope so." He said. "But there's still one final problem that we have to deal with."

"The tracker?"

"Yeah." Ray certified as he lifted his hand, pointing it directly to the side of my face. "It's located on our left ear, it's pretty small, so you might not notice it at first, but it's definitely there."

I clutched it and checked to feel if the micro-transmitters were noticeable. "Is it more near to our earlobes or helix?"


With that single uttered word, I moved my middle and index fingers along with my thumb to feel my left ear's antihelix, but still felt nothing. "They made it too minuscule to actually feel or surgically remove, pretty much at nanoscale."

"Not only that, but I also theorized if that chip was forcefully removed, then there would most likely be a fail safe." Ray explained. "If or when a child tries clawing their trackers out, it would send a signal signal or a message to possibly either mom or directly to the demons — I'm currently under construction of a device with the purpose solely meant to disable the transmitters, but it's yet to be half way done — so, it would be best for you if you cut your ear entirely. I don't mean to sound so upfront about it, but it's pretty much the best and only move I can come up with."

"No, it's fine." I said. "To be honest with you, I was thinking the exact same thing. It's great that you already packed the necessities for cutting and treating an ear. Thanks, Ray!"

"You're welcome, but I should really get back inside now." He stopped to look at me one last time, before turning his back and opening the front doors to enter the house. "And by the way, Elios — happy 12th birthday — not many of us can ever experience that, so treat as a privilege."

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