Please Don't Leave

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I finished plating my second to last egg before cracking another one into the pan. Emma was still here beside me waiting for a response. I have to be honest though, her question caught me slightly off guard. Emma's usually known as the most blithe and merry girl of the house, it was rare to witness her upset. She only ever fall into that state whenever one of our family members leave Grace field.

But of course, she was happy to watch her siblings be adopted, Emma just get sad at the fact that she won't be able to see them again, not for a long time at least — None of them ever wrote letters to us as well. And because of that, we know nothing of their well-being — You also have to consider the way Emma feels about me too. Although I don't share the same feelings as this girl, I sure will miss her the same.

Mom already told us in advance that a couple wanted to adopt me. I myself were ecstatic to go out and explore the outside world, and it would happen on the night of my birthday, October 6. Nevertheless, I can't just cruel-heartedly break this little girl's heart like that, can't I?

"Hey, Emma." I called for her attention. "Ray told me you wanted to ride a giraffe, is that true?"

"Definitely! Why'd you ask?" She lightened up a little.

"Then, when we both eventually get out of this place, let's ride one together."

"Really?" Her big smile showed, she's obviously happy to hear that, but..

"Of course, Emma, but we have to find each other first."

"But mom told me the world outside is huge! How are we going to find each other after we get separated?"

Well, this forsooth gave me the chance to know if she's conscious of her own feelings. "Emma, do you know what soulmates are?"

"Soulmates?" She began to think. "No, I've never heard of that before."

"How about love? Surely, you're aware of what that is."

"I think so, it's when people deeply care about each other in a meaningful way, right?" She looks innocent enough.

"And.. Do you love me?" Here's the big question.

"Obviously! We're family, and families love each other, no matter what!" She dictated. Nope, it's still Emma being clueless as ever. Now I know that soon, her brief fixation for me will dissolve.

"Yes, we do, don't we?" I amusedly smile at her. "Anyway, you still want to know how we'll find one another?"

"Of course! That's the first thing I'll do once I escape!" Geez, you make it sound like a prison or something.

"Well, you don't have to do anything, Emma, because we're soulmates."

"What's that?"

"A soulmate is someone you have a feeling of deep or natural affinity with." Technically, I'm right. Emma and I naturally liked each others presence. She just had a stronger liking for mine. "To put it simply, a soulmate is someone you love."

"But how does being soulmates help us locate ourselves?"

"There's this saying soulmates attract. Wherever we may end up in the future, whether we'll be living as neighbors or directly across the globe from one another, we would still be able to reunite."

"Woah! Really? That's so cool!" She stated in awe.

"See? You have nothing to worry about. Even when I leave tomorrow, you'll eventually find me again."

Emma is delighted to hear that. Albeit, it wasn't actually guaranteed, I didn't want to leave her feeling lost — It was just something to keep her from being a hassle when it's time for me to leave. I remember the night Jordan, my other slightly older sibling, was set to be adopted, but unfortunately for him, Emma decided to be a ball and chain; and she wrapped herself on his right leg, refusing to let him go until I came in and convinced her to do so.

Looking back at it, I was laughing at the way she always care so much about her family. It was a bit too much if you ask me, but that's part of her charm, I suppose. And finally, all 38 plated omelettes are done and ready to be serve. I just finished decorating the last one with rosemary leaves, so now I have to quickly get this to the dining room; food's always better when served warm.

"Hey, Emma, think you can give a me hand with this?"

"Sure thing! What do you need me to do?"

"Just grab the food cart for me, it's down the hall since the other kids have been playing with it earlier."

Back in the dining room, orphan's who've been longingly waiting for their breakfast had cheered loudly when it arrived displayed on the trolley cart brought to them by myself, along with Emma. Many expressed their approval in ways that made me think if Emma's previous statements — the ones about my dishes having a tendency to make others tear up — were true.

"Yes! Finally!"

"It looks so delicious, Elios!"

"I can't wait to have a bite!"

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