"Show me Maruca Endal," She commanded, cringing at the name as it rolled off of her tongue. Maruca's stupid ugly backstabbing face popped up on the screen.

"Hello? Oh, hey, Ms. Thang!" Maruca greeted with obviously fake enthusiasm. Maruca called Biana "Ms. Thang" ever since they met Keefe, and Keefe came up with it. She looked surprised that Biana hailed her.

"Biana," She corrected. She didn't want Maruca to use the old nickname anymore. She didn't deserve it. "Anyways, I was wondering if...if you wanted to..." Biana couldn't bring herself to finish that sentence. Did Maruca really deserve to be forgiven? After betraying Biana like that?

"If I wanted to what?" Maruca asked impatiently. Biana rolled her eyes.

"Don't be so freaking rude, Maruca," She said. She took a deep breath to keep herself from exploding in anger. "Do you wanna...come over for a...sleepover at 7:00?" She asked tentatively. Maruca's face lit up.

"Just like old times? Just you and me? Where we build pillow forts and talk about boys and Foxfire gossip?" She asked excitedly. Biana rolled her eyes once more.

"Of course not. Why would I invite just you for a sleepover when I don't even like you? Sophie forced me to invite you, so if you don't wanna come-" Maruca cut her off. At first, she looked hurt, but then she looked angry. Then, out of nowhere, a sly smirk appeared on her face.

"I'd love to come," She said right before clicking off. CRAP!!! Biana didn't expect Maruca to actually say yes! Maruca probably only said yes so that she could get with Fitz now that he was single. Maruca had used Biana to get Fitz at one time, and they had this huge fight, but then Maruca apologized and Biana forgave her. Oh, how naive-no, gullible and stupid Biana had been for thinking Maruca would change. They always go the way they come. Biana may have forgiven Maruca for using her for Fitz, but they still had problems. I mean, who ditches someone just because they make a new friend?! Whatever. Biana's bitter thoughts were interrupted by Linh.

"That looked excruciating," She commented with a smirk.

"Tell me about it," Biana muttered.


Maruca's POV:

Maruca had just gotten off of the imparter with Wylie. He was ranting about how he hated seeing Maruca risk her life, blah blah blah, she could get seriously hurt, blah blah blah, the whole gang has almost died at least once, blah blah blah, the usual. Her imparter buzzed once again. She picked it up and saw a familiar name. She read it aloud.

Incoming hail from Biana Vacker

Maruca instantly scrambled to answer the hail. She had always wanted to patch things up with Biana. She felt REALLY bad for ditching her. Biana's pretty face-the face Maruca always wished she had-filled the screen.

"Hello? Oh, hey, Ms. Thang!" Maruca greeted. She tried her best to sound happy, but she sounded really fake.

"Biana," Biana said. Maruca's face fell. That was all she needed to know that Biana was NOT looking for a friendship. "Anyways, I was wondering if...if you wanted to..." Biana didn't finish. Now Maruca was irritated. Biana was being so rude, and now she was just taking up Maruca's time.

"If I wanted to what?" Maruca asked, quite rudely. She instantly regretted the words. She mentally scolded herself for acting so rude when she was trying to patch up a friendship. Biana rolled her pretty teal eyes.

"Don't be so freaking rude, Maruca," She said before taking a deep breath. Biana had called her "Maruca." Not "M". Biana used to call her "M", and now she called her by her full name. Biana must have still been REALLY mad at her. "Do you wanna...come over for a...sleepover at 7:00?" She asked cautiously. Maruca got excited again. Maybe, just maybe, she invited her over so that they could bond again.

"Just like old times? Just you and me? Where we build pillow forts and talk about boys and Foxfire gossip?" She asked happily, her mind reminiscing all of their old sleepovers. Biana scoffed.

"Of course not. Why would I invite just you to a sleepover when I don't even like you?" Maruca was sure she turned bright red. So Biana really didn't want to make amends. Biana continued. "Sophie forced me to invite you, so if you don't wanna come-" Suddenly, an idea popped into Maruca's head, and she couldn't suppress her smirk. Yeah, it was mean, and low, and straight-up against girl code, but she was angry and wasn't thinking straight. So this idea made Maruca accept the offer.

"I'd love to come," She said with a wink before she hung up. If Biana wanted to play dirty? Maruca knew how to play dirty. This was Maruca's turf. Maruca's game. She had spent all of her childhood chasing after Fitz, but now...now she could have a hot guy and revenge. Two birds with one stone, if you will. Maruca knew exactly which guy she had her sights on. And Biana would not be happy about it, not that Maruca cared. Why? Because revenge is a dish best served cold. And Biana was gonna get a super-sized entree of it.

Bon appetit, Ms. Thang!

Written by brooklynivey07 ---------------------

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