Chapter 7

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Biana's POV

Linh pushed Biana and Tam into the closet. Biana was MORTIFIED. Well, that was an understatement. Words couldn't describe how embarrassed she was at that moment.

"Snuggle, NOW!" Linh shouted.

"Why? Can't we, just, like, sit across from each other?" Biana asked, her hands trembling with nervousness.

"NOPE! You HAVE to snuggle, 'cause that's what I said in the dare," Linh said.

Biana slowly walked towards Tam at the back of the closet, and they sat down, leaning against the wall. Linh cleared her throat.

"I don't see any snuggling happening," She said. Biana was BEYOND angry at her. She WOULD have her revenge. She was thinking of all the ways she could prank Linh in her sleep, but her thoughts were cut off by Tam. He had put his arm around her waist. It felt so...natural. Like it was meant to be. Biana put her head on Tam's chest, and they were officially, by Linh's definition, snuggling. Linh smiled.

"PERFECT! Now, I'll come to get you when the game is over," She said.

"Wait!" Biana shouted. Linh turned around to hear what Biana had to say. "I need Stina for a minute," Biana said. Linh left, and after a moment, Stina walked in.

"What is it, Bi?" She asked.

"I want you to pick Linh. If she picks truth, she has to say who her crush is. If she picks dare, she has to snuggle with her crush for the rest of the game. Okay?" Biana whispered into Stina's ear. Biana knew Sophie and Marella would never follow through with the plan, so she got Stina to.

"My pleasure," Stina said. With that, she walked out and slammed the closet door. Tam kept on snuggling her. It was really awkward. Really, REALLY awkward. Tam was the one to break the silence.

" like m-me?" He asked. Oh no, Biana thought. He remembered.

"'s-well, kind of just, a s-silly c-crush, y'know?" She asked. WHY, BIANA, WHY?!

"Oh," Was all Tam had to say. REALLY?! So it was true. Tam didn't like her back. "Well, I think I have a silly crush on you, too." WHAT?! Did she hear that right?! She stood up so that she could look him in the eyes. He did too. It was dark in the closet, but she could still see him clearly.

"Y-you do?" Biana asked.

"Yeah, I do," He said with a smile. His smile was so adorable.

"I thought we were 'just friends'. That's what you told Stina, right?" Biana asked.

"Biana, I've had a crush on you since the day we met. I thought you were the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen, and then I got to know you, and you were so nice and so kind. When Alvar betrayed you, you were so hurt. I wanted to kiss you and make it better, but I couldn't because I knew you didn't like me, and you liked Keefe, and it broke my heart to see Keefe treat you the way he did, and now I'm rambling, and..." Tam's voice trailed off. He looked like he was staring into her eyes, and VERY deeply, at that.

"What?" Biana asked, giggling.

"Keefe was REALLY stupid to give you up, you know that?" He asked. Biana blushed.

"Well...thanks," Biana said, giggling.

"But I'm really glad that he did," He added. Biana would've blushed even harder if that were possible.

"I...that kiss, I've always wanted to do that. It was just too short," Tam said with a smirk.

"I think so too," Biana said, smiling. Was this it? Was Tam about to kiss her? He leaned in, and she did the same. Their lips met once again, and it was even more magical than the first kiss. Like, fireworks-kind-of-magical. Their kiss was soft and slow at first. Biana put her arms around Tam's neck, and Tam put one hand on her waist, and the other one was playing with the lace hem on the bottom of her thigh-length tunic. He pulled her body closer to his, and she ran her fingers through his VERY soft hair. He pushed her against the wall, and it got HOT in that closet. So did their kiss. It was FAR from PG rated. Suddenly, the doors burst open. Tam jumped away from her. When Biana looked, there stood a smirking Linh, along with a VERY grumpy-looking Stina, Sophie, who was BEAMING, and in the background were three figures: one was Wylie, who now had purple hair, and two were Marella and Dex, who were cuddling. They must've missed a VERY interesting game.

"Hey, cuddle buddies, we heard a bumping sound, and we wanted to check on you, but I guess that was Loverboy over there pushing you against the wall, Bi," Linh said, still smiling. Tam turned bright red, and Biana was sure she did, too.

"I...well, I mean..." Tam could NOT get words out of his mouth, not even if his life depended on it. Biana rolled her eyes.

"What Loverboy is trying to say," Biana started, "Is that I'm an amazing kisser and I'm drop-dead gorgeous, and he just couldn't stop himself," Biana said with a smirk.

"Oh, is that what happened?" Tam asked, smiling.

"Yes," Biana told him.

"Well, that sounds about right," Tam told the rest of the group. Biana blushed. He had basically just called her drop-dead gorgeous and said that she was a great kisser AND that he couldn't stop himself from kissing her.

Suddenly, Sophie's voice filled the room. "Well, there's about to be a lot more kissing, because we're about to play 7 Minutes in a Closet!"

Written by brooklynivey07 --------------

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