Chapter 11

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Tam's POV

"Okay," and he leaned forward and...

And he kissed her. For the third time that night. When he pulled back, Biana still lay there, lifelessly. Tam felt the tears welling up once again. Suddenly, Biana's eyes fluttered open. Tam grabbed her and pulled her into a huge hug. She winced in pain. He jumped back and started tugging on his bangs, looking anywhere but at her.

"Sorry," he muttered.

"For what?" Biana asked. "You woke me up!" Tam forced himself to look her in the eyes. Everyone else left the room to join the others in discussing security measures. "Are-are you...crying? Over ME? Like, TAM SONG, emo legend, crying?"

"I mean...yeah. Who wouldn't?" Tam asked. The corners of Biana's lips-those big, heart-shaped, glossy lips-hinted at a smile.

"So..." Biana started.

"So..." Tam repeated.

"Whatch'a thinkin' 'bout?" Biana asked, smiling.

"You," Tam said, looking her straight in the eyes. Did he seriously say that? He was, like, legitimately turning into Fitz, a stupid, mushy, kiss-up-to-your-crush loverboy. Biana's eyes practically glowed, though, so Tam guessed that it was worth it. "What about you?" He asked.

"Well, let's see. I'm mostly thinking about how bad this hurts," Biana joked. Tam managed to crack a smile through his tears. "There's that smile that everyone knows and loves," Biana said. "Especially me."

"Well, now you're making me wanna smile all the time, but that'd be really bad for my emo reputation," Tam said with a smile. Biana laughed, but then immediately cringed in pain. Tam grabbed her hand and propped himself up on the cot, right next to the girl he loved.

"Hey, Biana?" He asked.


"I...I just want you to know...I" Tam couldn't say he loved her, could he? No, of course not! So, he finished with, " a lot about you. I don't know what I'd do if..." His voice trailed off. He looked her right in the eyes.

"I care about you too," She said with a smile. Tam practically jumped up with happiness. He wrapped his arms around Biana's now-bandaged ones.

"Biana, you know I'll always be here to protect you, right?" Tam asked her.

"I know, Mr. Fearless Emo Protector Against All Odds and Circumstances," She teased. Tam rolled his eyes.

"Is that what you're planning on calling me forever?" Tam asked playfully. Biana made a thoughtful expression, pretending to think hard about this. She looked really cute when she made that face. Or any face, for that matter.

"Well, we can shorten it down to Mr. Fearless Loverboy," She said with a smile.

"Okay," Tam said quietly. He closed his eyes, trying to savour the moment, and make a memory he'd always remember: Him, laying on the cot of the Healing Center with Biana, who smelled like swizzlespice and mallowmelt. Suddenly, the doors burst open. There stood all of their friends, their families, the Council, the Collective, Glimmer, and basically everyone that had been there before. Sophie spoke up, looking wide-eyed and panicked.

"We know how to wake Keefe up."

Written by brooklynivey07 -----------------

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