Chapter 4

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Tam's POV

When Biana fell asleep, Tam was so nervous. His heart was beating so hard, he was positive Biana could hear it. She had her head on his chest, and he was leaning against the panakes tree. He thought about leaping her home, but she had said that she was spending the night at Havenfield. He kissed her on the forehead, picked her up bridal style, and started towards the enormous house.

When he got to the door, he knocked. Grady answered.

"Oh, hello, Tam. Nice to see you," Grady greeted. "So, you and Biana?" He asked with a grin.

"I...uh-I-um, well, no, not really, we, she tired," Tam stuttered. He was probably VERY red. Suddenly, Sophie walked up behind Grady.

"Dad, are you bothering Tam about Biana?" She asked.

"No, I wasn't bothering him. I was simply being curious," Grady teased. This earned him an eye roll form Sophie.

"Whatever. Hey, can Biana-actually, can all of our friends stay over?" Sophie asked, winking at Tam.

"Of course!" Edaline said, walking into the entryway of Havenfield.

"Whatever Edaline says, goes," Grady agreed.

"Okay, great! BIANA!" Sophie screamed in Biana's ear. She jumped and perked right up in Tam's arms.

"Sophie! You scared me!" She said. Then, she turned her head to Tam. "I-thank you," Biana said, her cheeks flaming up. She was so cute when she blushed. With everything that had happened between them in the last few days, Tam wondered if Biana liked him. He quickly shut these thoughts down. Why would she ever like him? He set Biana down.

"Hey, Bi, everyone's sleeping over tonight, so do you wanna hail all our friends?" Sophie asked.

"Uh, YEAH!" Biana said. She ran up to Sophie's bedroom and Sophie followed her. Tam was close behind, not wanting to endure any more Grady teasing. When he got to Sophie's bedroom, he found Sophie feeding Iggy and Biana on her imparter. Tam walked in.

"Hey, Dex!" Biana said to her imparter.

"Hey, Bi! Did you need something?" Dex asked.

"Yeah. Sophie's having a sleepover at Havenfield, wanna come?" She asked.

"Duh! I'll be there in a few minutes," Dex said.

"Great! See you then!" She said. She continued inviting all of their friends, and all of them said they could come. Obviously Fitz couldn't come since he was still in the Healing Center, and Keefe couldn't come since he was...asleep. She hailed Marella, Stina, Wylie, and Linh. By the time they all got there, it was about 6:30 PM.

"Okay, guys, what should we do now?" Sophie asked. Biana's face immediately lit up.

"How about that human game you told me about, 7 Minutes in a Closet?" She asked.

"Um...I don't think...maybe we should start with Truth or Dare," Sophie stuttered.

"NO! What about Spin the Bottle, then Truth or Dare, then 7 Minutes in a Closet?" Biana asked.

"Ugh. Fine. Who wants to go first?" She asked. placing an empty bottle of youth in the middle of their circle.

"I will!" Stina announced. She proceeded to spin the bottle. It landed on Dex.

"Uh-uh, no way, not happening," Dex said.

"Ugh. Do you think I want this to happen? It's a PRIVILEGE to kiss me," Stina said. "Now, come here!" She said. She pulled Dex by the collar and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"How was that?" She asked, smirking.

"Gross. Now, let's go," Dex countered.

"I'll go next," Wylie said. He spun the bottle, and it landed on Linh. Tam was just sitting there smirking. Wylie was the ONLY person that Tam would let date Linh, since he was his best friend, and Tam trusted him. Wylie and Linh both turned bright red.

", is that-is it okay with y-you?" Wylie stuttered. Tam rolled his eyes. Wylie was NOT good with girls, especially Linh.

"Uh, y-yeah, I guess," Linh said back. She was, thankfully, just as bad with boys. Wylie tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, and leaned over and kissed her quickly.

"AWWWW!" Biana and Stina said at the same time. Then, they looked at each other for a moment, before bursting out laughing. Biana was cute when she laughed. He loved her smile.

Wylie blushed. "Well, Biana, since you find this so amusing, why don't you go next?" He asked. Biana's smile faded and she turned bright red.

"I-I-um, I don't want to," She said. Tam's heart deflated a little bit. Stina smirked.

"Uh, nope! You have to do it, or else you have to dye your hair purple! No, orange!" Stina said.

"NO! You're evil, but not THAT bad," Biana said.

"Are you sure?" Stina asked, still smirking. "'Cause if you are, then you might not wanna wash your hair tonight."

"FINE! I'll go," Biana said. Why was she so reluctant? She spun the bottle, and it landed on...DEX?! Suddenly, Wylie stretched out a hand, and telekinetically shifted the bottle to point at Tam.

"WHAT?! You can't do that!" Biana yelled.

"Hey, the bottle lands where the bottle lands. It was destined. It was meant to be," Wylie joked. Biana didn't protest any further, surprisingly. Maybe she wanted to kiss Tam. Actually, no. Why would she want to do that? She didn't like Tam like that. Tam couldn't stop himself. He leaned forward, towards Biana's perfectly glossed pink lips. He always wondered what flavour Biana's lip gloss was. When he could feel Biana's breath-which smelled minty, by the way-on his lips, he stopped.

"Is this okay?" He asked. Biana nodded her head, seemingly unable to speak. Tam closed the gap between them, and their lips met. It wasn't a quick little peck like everyone else's kisses, but a long, passionate kiss. Tam enjoyed it a little too much. And just as quickly as it started, it ended. Biana pulled away, smiling that perfect smile.

Her lip gloss tasted like mallowmelt.

Written by brooklynivey07 -----------------

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