Chapter 8: Plan MS

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Kai was about to take the phone when someone suddenly held it and took it away. "Hyung! Why haven't you replied to any of my calls? This is really making me angry!!" A short boy with brown hair said. He looked at Kai directly and then looked at Jaehyun.

"Oh! Renjun! I am sorry, I am busy as you see...." Jaehyun said. "Yeah, probably busy in helping Y/N and not caring about your young friend!" Renjun said. "It looks like you are busy, I'll meet you later." Kai said. He walked outside and started cursing, did that 'Renjun' had to appear like that and ruin his plan?

Kai went to the back of the school and tried to call Bimil. The number didn't exist but after few seconds it did as Bimil called Kai.

"So, how did it go?" Bimil asked. "It failed, is there any other thing I can do? All the plan depends on this!" Kai said. "Let me see..... I don't like when I am helping you for free, you need to do me a favor later on, don't forget about it unless you want your Y/N to know that you are a yandere..." Bimil said.

"You are disgusting...." Kai said. "You are a stalker, so what is you answer?" Bimil asked. " It's a deal." Kai said. The call ended and Bimil sent Kai the plan.


Kai filled a bucket with water and walked quickly toward the hallways, he checked the door of the cooking club, it was slightly open and luckily there was no one other than Jaehyun inside.

Kai placed the bucket on the door and silently waited for Jaehyun to walk out.

"It's class time...." Jaehyun took off his apron and washed his hands. He noticed that the door was closed. "I don't remember closing it...." Jaehyun opened the door and water was splashed all over him.

"WHO THE HELL DID THIS??" Jaehyun shouted. He looked at himself and sighed. "I need to change my clothes...."

Jaehyun quickly ran to the boy's shower room and Kai followed him secretly. He wore a black mask and a blue jacket as he entered inside and pretended to change his clothes too.

Kai noticed that Jaehyun turned around to change his clothes and quickly snapped Jaehyun's phone that was on the table. Kai smiled as he left and headed toward  Soobin's classroom.

He noticed that he wasn't there and quickly placed the note and went back to class.

Jaehyun's POV:

I cured that person again as I wore my sport outfit. I turned around but saw that my phone was not there. I opened my locker and checked there. I looked everywhere but didn't find it.

'It's probably in the club.... I'll search for it after class....' I quickly ran toward my class since I was late.

Obsession | Yandere Huening KaiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang