Chapter 2: His Y/N

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"Y/N! What are you doing here all alone! You should be having fun and talk not day dreaming here!" The boy said. Y/N took off her headphones as she smiled.

'So her name is Y/N? What a cute name.....' Kai thought.

"You have known me for a long time since our childhood, I hate to communicate with people..... in addition, this is Twice new song! You should hear it too!" Y/N said. "You should socialize, S-O-C-I-A-L-I-Z-E!" The boy said.

Kai started feeling uncomfortable as his blood was boiling. He wanted to go and choke that boy. 'He should leave her alone! Can't he already see that she wants to stay alone??!!'

"If you want, you can stay with me and listen to some music, Taehyun." Y/N said. Taehyun sat beside her and kept on nagging her about many things.

Kai got more and more uncomfortable as he looked at the two. 'Why is he talking a lot? Even if they are friends for a long time....... I wanted to be the one taking to her instead and this is making me feel.......angry......'

Just few minutes ago, Kai felt happy for the first time, but now he was feeling angry. It was his first time to feel jealous.

"Hey!" Someone called and Kai turned around to see Ryujin. "Oh hi...." Kai said. "I just wanted to thank you for coming to school with me, I really felt very nervous without Lia. She got lost but eventually founded her way out. I should introduce you two one day to each other." Ryujin said.

"No problem." Kai replied. 'She is disturbing me? I can't see Y/N clearly because of her.....'

"Anyway..... Kai I might need you help tomorrow...... Can you help me?" Ryujin asked. Kai wasn't focusing with her, he was too busy checking out Y/N.

"Yeah, yeah sure...." Kai said. "That's great! I'll see you tomorrow." And with that Ryujin left.

Kai kept focusing on Y/N and didn't feel the time passing, it soon was 8:30 and all the students started heading toward their classes.

Y/N got up and started walking away to her class, Kai noticed that she dropped something. He waited for her to leave and then went to pick it up, it was a cute dog medal. Kai smiled and his heart beat quickly as he remembered every single detail.

He placed the medal in his pocket and walked toward his class. His heart beat even faster when he saw Y/N there. 'Are we studying together?'

Kai quickly walked and sat at the chair behind Y/N. He smiled again as he looked at her figure and admired her (h/c) hair. He did the same thing for the rest of the day and stalked Y/N secretly where ever she went.

Later at 8:00 PM:

At Kai's house:

Kai returned home and changed into pajamas. He was lying on his bed as he admired the medal Y/N dropped.

He soon got up and printed out a photo for Y/N he took earlier, a part of Taehyun was in there so he tore it and hanged Y/N picture on his wardrobe. He glared at Taehyun as he stabbed the photo multiple times with a pen and then threw it in the trashcan.

Kai looked at the watch and thought that it was too early for him to sleep. 'Shall I check out her Instagram profile?'

Kai took out his phone and searched for Y/N profile.

'L/N Y/N, Age 17


Kai smiled as he looked at all the photos Y/N posted, he kept on checking every single detail and gathered all the information out there.

After some time, Kai was done and placed his phone aside. He smiled as he lied down and starred at the blank space in front of him thinking of Y/N. 'It feels so good to be In love.......'

Kai drafted to sleep while thinking of Y/N.


Next morning:

Kai woke up at 6:15 AM after having a nice dream about Y/N. He smiled dumbly as he looked in front of him for almost 5 minutes.

"I want to listen to music...... it's the first time I want to do it....." kai said. He got up and turned on 'first love' by EXO.

"Ahhhh...... all the lyrics describe the way I feel about Y/N...." Kai said.

Kai walked happily to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for himself. He kept on thinking of Y/N and imagining her all the time. Soon he was done and started walking toward the school.

'Ah...... It is so nice to be in love......'

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