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"a new sketch today?"


"still of peaches?"


. . .

"so when will you be free?"


"for our tour..."

"oh! i'm good for thursday if you are."

"anywhere you wanna go in particular?"

"you're the tour guide here, you should decide."


he stops to think.

"actually, why don't we just exchange numbers? we can discuss the details through text."

she passes him her phone.

"that's fine with me."

he types his number in and returns her phone.

"thanks. i'll send you a text later so you can save my number too."

"how will i know it's you?"

"oh, you'll know."

"are you always so trusting of people?"


"do you always exchange numbers with just anyone you meet?"

she stares at him, then laughs.

"you ask too many questions."

"i like to think i ask just the right amount."

. . .

[daisy] hello-kitty-is-a-fashion-icon.ppt

— ♡ —

the wattpad gods (aka support team) finally blessed me with access to my acc after getting locked out for like 6 months!! now i can play matchmaker with my characters again hehe

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