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"hello again."


"may i sit here to paint again?"

"go ahead."

she takes a seat.

"how long are you gonna sell peaches for?"

"rest of summer."

"well then, my name's daisy."


he stares at her.

"so what's your name?"


"i need to call you something if i'm gonna come here everyday to work on my piece. i don't wanna have to call you 'dude' the whole time."

"i would actually prefer that."


he laughs at her.

"alright. my name's rowan."

"nice to meet you, rowan. i hope you don't mind if i join you on your peach-selling adventures from now on."

. . .

she yawns and stretches out her arms.

"i think that's all i'm gonna do for today. thanks again!"

"wait! you forgot... your phone."

he watches her swiftly dash off.

— ♡ —

say hi to my new bbs daisy and rowan!! be gentle and take care of them pls they're new at this wattpad thing

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