forty four

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two weeks since filming has started

Teagan sat in her trailer staring at herself in the mirror. It was her last day in Charleston, she was leaving later tonight after her she films her last scene.

In these past two weeks, even though she's been acting with Drew, she hasn't had a real conversation with him. Which made it hard for their characters to share chemistry, causing them to have to shoot the scenes one after another until they got it somewhat perfect.

Austin hasn't left Teagan's side either. Even when she's filming with Drew, he's standing right behind Jonas watching everything. He's worried for her. He knows that if something really happens between her and Drew, it's not going to be good for her mental health.

Teagan fixed her hair before going back out onto set. They were currently giving her a break since she's been working none stop for fourteen days. She got onto a golf cart and drover herself to where the "Chateau" was.

Madison, Rudy, and Jonathan were currently filming so Teagan sat back and watched. She was touched at how amazing they were playing their parts. She was so proud of them.

"How are you feeling?" Austin whispered to the girl as he took a seat next to her on the golf cart. She shrugged her shoulders thinking of something believable to say, "And don't lie."

"Sad," Teagan sighed out, looking around for a particular boy, hoping that he would at least listen to what she had to say. But he was no where to be seen.

"Don't waste your time, Teagan, he will come around. We both know that," Austin reassured the girl, pulling her into a side hug. A knot grew in Teagan's throat as she held back her tears.

Though out the two weeks, Teagan has been nonstop crying. She tried not to let her emotions take over when she was with her cast mates, but when they brought up something related to Drew, she couldn't help it.

The girl looked down at her phone to check the time, 6:15 pm, it read. Her flight to back to LA was at 9:00. Which meant she had about two hours left in Charleston and Drew was no where to be found.

"Cut! Great work, guys, that was it," Jonas yelled from where he sat behind all the cameras. It snapped Teagan out of her thoughts and she started to clap with the others.

"Hey, buddy," Rudy skipped up to the two on the golf cart, pulling Teagan into a hug. She laughed at the blonde and leant into the hug.

"Why do you have to go back?" Madison whined as she leaned against the front of the golf cart. She gave Teagan puppy dog eyes but sooner broke out into laughter. She indeed was going to miss the girl, but she knew the opportunity Teagan took was a no brainer.

Madison, Rudy, and Jonathan all hopped on the six seated golf cart, yelling at Teagan to drive. She pressed her foot down on the gas pedal without a thought and drove onto the rode.

With all of the potholes, the ride wasn't the smoothest. Rudy kept yelling for Teagan to go faster as he held his hands up in the air. Jonathan disagreed with Rudy, and tried to hold onto the seat in front of him.

This is how Teagan wanted to spend the little time she had left, being idiots and not caring at all. She pulled to the side of the ride once she saw Madelyn and Chase and motioned for them to get on, and they did.

Teagan drove the golf cart around the island, swerving every once in a while so she wouldn't hit a pedestrian. Madelyn blared music from the speaker she had.

If the loud driving wasn't drawing attention to them, it was definitely Teagan's terrible driving. She was never the best driver, and it definitely showed right then. Austin had to grab the wheel now and then when Teagan would close her eyes or throw her hands up like Rudy.

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