thirty eight

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six days till filming starts

gal pals
dw🥉, pop rocket🚀, teags 🍾

hi guys

hey teags

pop rocket🚀
what's up?

i know that we haven't talked in while
and i am so sorry about that, but i really
need you guys right now

pop rocket🚀
what happened??

is everything okay?

i got an offer to be on greys anatomy


it's not a good thing
well it is but at the same time it isn't

pop rocket🚀
why is it a bad thing?

filming starts in a couple weeks
and we start filming obx next week
and greys wants me to sign a multi-season

pop rocket🚀

would you be able to do both?

i wouldn't be able to film with anything
other than abc if i sign their contract
but guys this is a huge opportunity
it's fucking greys anatomy

pop rocket🚀
but look what outer banks has given you
you've gotten so so so much happy ever
since you met your cast mates and started

i agree with what poppy said
but it's greys anatomy, not a show
that is based for teenagers. it's
mature and could be a good way to
further your career. i'm not saying
obx cant do that, it of course can, but
you play a supporting role. you are an
amazing actress and maybe being on
greys will give you more and more

pop rocket🚀
ok dw is right as well
but how many seasons is obx planning
on having

i'm not sure

pop rocket🚀
just do what your heart tells you to

and don't let anyone force you to do
something you don't want to!

thank you, guys. you don't know how
much i needed to talk to someone about
this. i love you both sm🤍

pop rocket🚀
we love you too!!

love you alwayssss


Teagan set her phone down on the couch, leaning her head back and sighing. She knew Dylan and Poppy where right, and that scared her. She also knew she had to tell Drew.

"Babe?" She called out, to revive and hum from the bedroom in return. She got up and headed in that direction, "Can we talk?"

"Oh god, those words are never good," Drew worried at the look on his girlfriends face. He shifted on the bed to make room for the girl.

"It's not bad, it's actually kinda good, I think," Teagan stuttered over her words with her nervousness, "I got an offer to be on Grey's Anatomy."

Drew's eyes went wide at the sudden words, "That's great! When do you have to film the episode?"

Teagan sighed at the boy, "It's not just one episode, it's a whole season. And they want me to sign a multi-season contract."

"What?" Drew said, shocked, "What about Outer Banks? We start filming in six days."

"And they want me back in LA in two weeks-"

"No, no! You can't just leave. Do you know how excited you were when you found out about season two? How excited the fans where?"

"Are you being serious, Drew?" Teagan snapped at the boy, "You aren't one bit proud that I'm wanted to be on one of the most watched shows since 2005? You really want me to turn this down?"

"C'mon, Teagan, OBX is your show now-"

She cut him off, again, "I'm a supporting role, hell if I wasn't even in this season I bet people wouldn't notice. This opportunity is amazing for my career, why can't you see that?"

"Because of the fact that you'll be in LA and I'll be here for five months. Teagan that's five months that we'll be apart. Five months away from everyone else, your family," he grabbed the girls hand as she looked at him with angry eyes.

"I can't believe that you think I shouldn't take this offer. We can do long distance, Drew. Facetime everyday and night. We can make this work-"

It was now Drew who cut her off "I'm done talking about this." He said as he got off the bed and walked out of the room. Teagan heard the apartment door slam shut, causing tears to role down her face.

She didn't know what to do.


A/N: hi guys, i just wanted to let y'all know that the next few chapters will be mainly real life scenarios. and alsoooo this story is coming to an end soon :( BUT DONT WORRY!!! I'll be making a sequel to this book!!! so be ready!!

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