“I- um... I was borrowing sugar from my neighbour.” he stuttered out guilty that he had forgotten about their meeting.

“So where's the sugar?” he smirked at Jisung's obvious lie.

The blond's eyes went wide, he mentally cursed his stupidity. “You see I- Let's go inside first, okay?”


After Jisung had changed his clothes to something less pajama-ish the boys went out to the coffee shop they had set up their meeting originally.

“Spill.” the older demanded taking a sip of his iced americano.

“What?” Jisung almost choked on his blueberry cheesecake when the boy brought up the previous topic.

“Spill or I'mma use my aegyo on you.”

“Please no.” the blond boy quivered jokingly. “I'm starting to believe that you threatened Seungmin that way to make him agree to go out with you.”

“For your information, Seungmin asked me out, not the other way round.” the other tsk'd only.

“He must have been truly desperate.”
the boy feigned puzzlement.

Changbin pointed his straw at him glaring furiously.

“Okay, okay. My bad. I'm happy for you two.” Jisung put his hands up in defense smiling apologetically.

“You sure are.” he sighed before continuing. “Now tell me what you were doing in your neighbour's flat.” he resumed drinking his coffee.

Jisung started to squirm in his chair feeling uneasy. He's gonna make fun of me for sure.

“Please don't laugh at me.” the blond made eye contact with the other for the assurance, Changbin nodded his head only.

“So a new neighbour moved in yesterday and he asked me if I could take care of his cats while his absence, and since I forgot about our plans I agreed to that,” he explained hurriedly. “That's pretty much it.”

“So you're telling me that you agreed to spend time in a stranger's flat out of good-naturedness? What if he turned out a murderer or a pervert?”

Jisung didn't know much about Minho but he was sure that he was neither murderer nor pervert. Or at least that was what he believed.

“Don't be ridiculous, hyung. He seems nice... I guess.” he scolded playfully the older for such worst-case scenarios. “He even asked if I wanted to go with him to Lotte World to thank me for today.” Jisung blurted out without giving it much thought.

The raven-haired boy's face lit up with amusement as he started to chuckle at his friend. “Oh, so you're going on a date with him?” he teased.

“Aa, hyung it's not a date,” he whined covering his heated cheeks with his palms.

“Okay, whatever you say.” the boy tried to steady his breathing after his fit of laughter. “You're sure you'll be okay tho? I mean you don't know him that well...” his voice tone changed to more serious.

“I'm sure. No worries.” Jisung smiled fondly at the other's protectiveness.

“Just call me if something goes wrong.” Changbin returned the smile.


After spending some more time writing lyrics in the coffee shop's seclusion they decided to part their ways.

“Bye-bye. Say hello to Seungmin for me.” Jisung waved at the older.

“You practically see him every day in classes,” he yelled back at the boy who had started to walk off already.

With a smile plastered on his face, Jisung took out his phone to listen to some music and put on his red headphones.

Oh? A new message?


Hi, it's Minho
Sorry for messaging you so late.
Are you still up to
tomorrow's meetup?


Hi. It's totally fine and yes,
I'm still up to it.


What time would you prefer
to meet up?


How about 11 am?
I've heard it's always packed up
in the afternoon.


Sounds good to me
See you tomorrow
Sleep well Jisungie. 😉


U2 ☺

Jisung giggled quietly feeling the tips of his ears turn red at the other's word choice as he put the phone back in his pocket.

The night sky lit up by streetlights suddenly felt a little bit closer to reach.


Hello everyone! 🌼

Thank you so much for reading my book. 303 reads w h at?? Extra smooches for the ones who comment and vote. 💗

Please feel free to comment, vote, and correct me if you see any errors.

Sorry for the cheesy ending sentence.
Also, if you are confused about why both Jisung and Minho act like a panicked-to-confident gay it's because they give that aura in real-life so I didn't want to change that to a typical sub and typical dom (although I don't see a problem with it. No offense intended. 😽).


Buckle up Sweethearts, we are going on a  roller coaster in the next chapter. 😋

Oh and this chapter's title is inspired by Twice's Yes or Yes. 💗

Have a nice day/night. 💞

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