5: An idylliC cHApter wheRe nothing bAd happens?

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-----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter Start---------------------------------------------

Your Perspective

Man, i can barely remember what happened yesterday. All I remember was throwing a party when I revealed G's SOUL had been fixed. I do remember having a few drinks with the Monsters that wanted some. sans had ketchup but that's beside the point. I begin to sit up when I notice something under the covers.

or rather someone.

*Gasters pops out from under the covers.

You: Gast . . . er?

Gaster yawned and rubbed her eyes before looking you in the eyes. I noticed she was a bit colder to the touch than usual. But that's not important. How did she . . . When did she . . .

Gaster: Oh good morning, (Y/N).

You: G-Good morning. H-How-?

*Gaster sits up calmly, flashing you in the process

Gaster: There is no need to act all decent and whatnot. After all, we did get . . . What did Sans call it? Getting Lay"d?

You: I think he was referring to Papyrus dropping his chips . . .

Gaster: Regardless, i liked it. But you don't remember?

*You shake your head, as she puts on her glasses.

I was thoroughly confused but got the hint rather quickly. I blushed as she got out and wore one of my shirts and then motioned for me to leave the room with her. I put on my pajamas and headed out of my room. We get out and she tells me she's going to head to the bathroom. Before leaving, she places a kiss on my cheek. I let out a content sigh

Flowey: The fuck did I just witness?

*You nearly died of fright

I look and see Flowey and Frisk at the door to their room. Frisk had a bemused face whilst Flowey looked disgusted. Kinda a funny face compared to his other ones. Frisk's smile began to get bigger and bigger.

You: I- well you- listen- the thing.

Flowey: Well regardless, it's freaking atrocious. Is that what real genuine love looks like?! I can't believe I used to feel that!

-Timeskip brought by an awkward breakfast-

sans: So you did it. you mad lad, you did it.

You: I know right. from how you made her sound before, I thought it would be impossible.

Mettaton: Well, we're all happy for you, darling! Just lets us know when the wedding is.

sans, Mettaton and Were just hanging out in the living room. Frisk wanted Gaster to walk her and Monster Kid to school. Dunno why though. I took another sip of my ice tea before answering.

You: Though I must say. Where's Undyne? I haven't been seeing much of her lately.

sans: oh her? she's at the police academy.

You: Alphys?

sans: probably writing fanfictions. it's her day off after all.

You: What of the skeleton, the myth the legend himself, Papyrus?

sans finished his bottle of ketch before answering.

sans: cooking school.

You: I gotta say, you guys adapted well. Mettaton here is even a pretty well known social media star and tv anchor at this point too!.

Mettaton: Oh it's nothing! Your gem of a sister is the one who made all of this happen!

You: Yeah. I'll have to thank her sometime.

I could hear a crash coming from downstairs followed by Frisk attempting to chase Brandon and Patrick. I chuckled seeing her have a problem watching them. I get up and tell the others I'll be back. Not even a few minutes later I return, having Brandon and Patrick under each arm.

sans: oh yeah. when did you become a dad to ghosts?

You: Chapter 4.5 why?

sans: makes sense. i dunno, being a dad kind suits you.

You: No I will not be telling dad jokes any time soon, sans.

sans: you're no fun at times.

I shrug before handing them over to Frisk who I presumed was thankful for the help. Gaster is helping Frisk watch them too. It's nice that all is well. I get up and tell them that I'm going to head to the store real quick. as I leave and feel a bit of a chill go up to my spine. But I shrug and continue going. I bump into someone shorter than me. I apologize and quickly get the stuff and leave. They looked kinda familiar.

You: That was . . . odd.

I can't help it but I feel like I'm being followed. I'm suddenly pinned against the wall. A knife put towards my neck. There's a kid who looks kinda similar to Frisk. He has the gall to try and murder me outside my own house?! I use the skill of PATIENCE to become a slow time and move out of his attacks.

You: Who are you? And why the hell are you trying to kill me?!

Chara: I'm Chara. The demon that comes when called. And thanks to you, I'm free! I'll be taking your SOUL as thanks.

He laughed maniacally before swing at me again. Black energy leaps out and nearly hits me. I close my eyes and brace for impact. But instead.

sans: well, well well. what do we have here?

Chara: Oh great! The comedian's here too! With you and him gone, I can erase this world! I just need to get you out of the way.

He lunges forward and sans summons bones to block his oncoming attack

sans: you need to get out of here kid.

You: Can you handle him?

sans: probably not. I just need to buy time. can you reset?

You: RESET? I don't know. But i don't think that's a good idea. You guys will-

sans: go back underground? it's better than having people die.

*You sigh. You pull up the window. It's a little dusty but it'll do.

Chara: I can't let you do that!

Chara throws the knife, shattering the window.

You: Things can't get any worse

A shadow comes out of Chara's hand. It takes the form of . . . Chara? It's got glowing eyes and a murderous grin, as well as a liquid appearance. There are more of them. Me and my big mouth . . . Several of them lunge at me without any warning or hesitation, and I pull out a KINDNESS shield to block them.

You: With so many here I can't do anything!

Gaster: Then please, (Y/N). Allow us to help.

Flowey: What did you get into now?!

Frisk and Gaster stand protectively in front of me. Gaster turns to me and asks what happens.

Gaster: I see. So that's the situation. I warned you to not mess with the VOID. No matter. We will just have to finish this quickly, as to not alarm the citizens from the town.

Right! We live a bit away so we need to keep this battle contained. Even if my ATTACK is bad, I'll still give it everything I've got.

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