14. The unexpected

Depuis le début

"Who? Rohan?" She replies looking back at Sia.


"His mother is my patient. She has stage-3 hepatitis C." She says, finally interested in the conversation.

Now that came out unexpected. But his gloominess is finally making sense  now.

"What about his dad or other members of his family?" I blurt out.

"They're divorced and he doesn't have any other relatives, they seem to be new in town."

"How long has she been here?"

"Almost a month."

"How is she now?" Is she getting any better?" Sia's concern for her is clearly showing as she's almost getting restless.

"Not really, she already seems to be dealing with depression and she isn't even opening up with the psychiatrist. It's like she's given up the will to live by the way she's been responding." She rubs her temples and sighs. "And the sudden withdrawal from the alcohol has triggered her mental health to the worst extreme."

My heart sinks after hearing that. The only person left as his family wants to die, I can't even imagine how Rohan might've possibly been dealing with this situation.

"Can we see her?"

She raises a brow giving a questionable look, probably surprised to see the growing curiosity in Sia.

"Sure." She replies before leaving her chair. We follow her through the corridor up to a private cabin.

When she opens the door we see a woman lying on the bed. We walk towards her bed and see that she is quiet but not asleep. Her head is slightly turned towards the window and as it had started to rain already, she looks concentrated at the fluids sliding down the windowpane as if she's hypnotized.

"Look who's here to meet you, Ms Rana," Aunt Deepika announces but the woman doesn't respond. "Don't mind her, she doesn't talk much."

We walk even closer to take a better look at her.

Her long curly black hair is all over the pillow and she looks as skinny and tall as Rohan. Her beautiful set of eyes are exactly like her son's, but her small nose and heart-shaped lips are contrary to his pointed nose and thin lips. She's in a disheveled state and her skin looks so pale that even I can figure out that she's anemic, yet judging by her still so perfect features, I can't stop but wonder how beautiful she must've been when things weren't as bad for her.

The sight of the woman is heartbreaking and we can't do anything but stare at her almost lifeless frame.

"You should leave her now, she needs to rest." Auntie breaks the silence. "Wait for me in my cabin, I'm coming."

"Okay." We say in unison and leave the room.

"Poor Rohan, no wonder why he's always somber," I speak while strolling through the corridor.

Sia is still utterly quiet which is very strange.

                .                 .                 .

"Are you sure you wanna wear that?" I ask for the fifth time.

"Yes! Bianca, I'm sure." Sia replies, admiring her image in the mirror.

"Really? A princess dress?"

"Definitely B. Why? Don't I look good in this?" She turns towards me with a scowl etched on her face.

"Of course you do. You look lovely."

Sia is supremely excited about turning sixteen and I can't figure out why.

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