Chapter 14

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I was sleeping so peacefully in bed but the sunlight was disturbing me. So I cover my head with the duvet. I was feeling so tired and my head is hurting  like hell and the noises around me started irritating me. I felt someone's presence.

That must be Saumya or khushboo.

"Turn off the lights." I groaned. I heard the laughter as reply. And that also of a male.

"Good morning sunshine." Samyak said. Usually I find his voice very hot but right now it's irking me.

"Don't talk. My head hurts alot." I said. I felt him sitting on the bed. He uncovered my face. I opened my eyes and he was smiling. I got up from my lying position and sat up.

"And that's the aftereffect of getting drunk." He chuckle.

"Drunk..... Shit" I was confused at first but then it all hit me. We decided to drink and party yesterday but ended up being wasted. I am not sparing those two idiots best friends of mine. But I am still confused how I ended up in his room and what if uncle and aunty had seen us yesterday. What will they think of me.

This all made my head hurt more so I groaned again.

"Yes. Here drink some water." He said and handed me a bottle. I drank water which made my burning stomach to calm down.

"I am not getting wasted again." I mumbled and rest my head on head rest.

"Hmm. We will see that." He said and took the bottle from me and went to his closet to grab his clothes for the day.

"How did I end up here yesterday. Don't tell me I embarrassed myself." I asked hoping that I wouldn't have done any embarrassing thing.

"okay 1st question 1st. You came here to confess your undying love for me." He said nonchalantly.

"I what." I sprung in shock. My eyes were wide. I hope I hadn't done anything sort of that. He walked near me and bent to a point where his face and mine was inches apart.

"Yes. You came here and told me how much you love me, how you can't live without me, how my sexiness affects you and just how much you want to bed me." He said. His eyes were shining with mischief and he was smirking.

I know he is joking. So I grabbed his hand and pull him so fall on bed on his stomach . I start to hit him with pillow.

" This is not a fucking DDLJ movie and you are not Raj and I am not simran. You idiot." I said while I keep hitting him.

"Oww..... Coco... Stop.... It's hurting." He said but he was laughing. Then he turned on his stomach and grabbed my hand and pull me to him. I shrieked because of sudden pull and the pillow fall from my hands. Our faces were inches apart.

"I always knew you are a wild cat." He teased. I blushed at his double meaning comment.

"Sammy I...." I started but he cut me in the middle.

"Shhh." He put his finger on my lips and tuck my hair behind my ear which had fallen on my face. His touch seems to give me chills and his look unsettle my heart. I gulp before asking again.

"Now will you tell me why I slept here yesterday and not in Saumya's room. Don't tell me you kidnapped me ." I asked again.

"I didn't kidnap you. It was you who came to stole my boxers at 1:15 am. But I was awake so I caught you. Then when I asked you to leave the room and let me sleep, you said you don't want to go because they will tease you. So I being the altruist that I am, allowed you to stay here and sleep. "He said.

Thank God I didn't do anything embarrassing. I am gonna kill them for the bet. I remember when we started playing never have I ever because at that time I was in my senses. But after the game I got drunk and rest is a blur to me.

" Thank you." I said and got up from him and he did too. I felt a bit dizzy so I hold his arm to support myself.

"Hey Krish. You okay" He asked in worry.

"Yeah. Just a bit dizzy from hangover." I replied.

"OK. Now listen to me and go take a shower you will feel better. Then we will have breakfast together. You will feel better after that and hangover will also subside." He said.

"OK. I also got to kill two reckless bimbos" I said smiling at his caring nature.

"OH I checked on them in before you woke up and they are even worse than you. You were probably the most sober last night." He said.

"Yeah. I am light so I got high easily." I said. He laughed. I left his room and walked into Saumya's room for getting ready for the day. Today is haldi ritual.

"Good morning k." They said in unison when they saw me.

"don't think I am not mad at you both." I pretend. I am definitely not mad at them.

"OH come on. Don't be mad. You enjoyed the last night too." Khushboo teased. I gave them a confused look.

"Don't be shy. Tell us what happened yesterday night. Did you guys do it or not." Saumya asked. Then it hit me what they are trying to ask.

"Woah woah. I and Sam definitely didn't have sex last night. I don't remember what I did but I am 100% sure we didn't do it." I clarified myself.

For the love  of God, I didn't have sex with anyone. These people are so retarded.

"Aww. I thought you finally lost your v-card. Damn k." Saumya said and walked back to her dresses.

"Yeah. You disappointed me too." Khushboo said. I shaked my head and laughed at how disappointed they look. Then I walked in washroom to take shower. I still smell like liquor and I totally need to relax.

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