Chapter 19

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"Let's go." I said walking out of my room.

"ha. Finally you are ready. I thought I am gonna grow old till you come." Samyak said.

"Stop being a dramatic bitch now. It's not my problem that I was in demur of what to wear to meet our oh so lovely investors." I retaliate and grabbed my purse. Samyak locked the door and we got into the elevator.

"Whatever you wear, you look fat darling." He told me. My jaw dropped in shock. I hit him on the arm.

"I wonder how I end being friends with a jerk like you." I told him. He roll his eyes.

"Will you ever stop being so violent all the dam of time." He complained. I just grin in reply. We get into the car and the driver took us to the place where we are meeting the investors. It was a office building. We enter it together and stopped at the reception.

" Hello. We are here to meet Mr. Azuma Haruto. We are from India and have a meeting with him in 15 minutes." I said to the receptionist

"Yes. Hello Mr. and Mrs. Chandra. I hope you guys didn't had any problem in finding the place. Sir is in his office. I will take you there." She said.

"Thank you." Samyak said and we followed the receptionist. Samyak laced his hand around my waist.

When the receptionist addressed me as Mrs. Chandra, it sounded nice. I wanted to correct her that I am still not married to him but I didn't and soon got over it and we enter his office. He was sitting in his chair. He got up and welcomed us.

"Welcome Mr. Chandra and Miss Soni." He said.

"Konnichiwa Mr. Haruto" I replied.

"I hope you both had good flight. Take a seat." He said and we sat in the chairs front of him.

"Yes and thank you for the driver. He is a great help." Samyak said.

"It's not a big deal. First of all congratulations for your engagement. I hope you both have a happy future together." He said.

"Thank you." samyak answered.

"Your father and I met in one business conference in Germany 5 years ago. He is a great personality and even a better businessman. " he started.

"Well, he has this ability to make everyone wonder about him." Samyak said proudly. How can he not be proud to have such great father.

"I am very well verse with it. And I can sense you are also inherited with the same characteristics." He smiled. Then he turn to me. "And I have also heard about you too Miss Soni. Not as a rumored girlfriend of this eligible bachelor sitting in front of us but I read a few articles about how you countered the decrease in the stock value of  the company that you worked in when the owner of it had lost hope. Also I read your blogs that you write for the economist magazine. I must say you are very talented miss Soni. " He said.

" It feels so good being extol by a successful person like you. " I replied. I feel proud that people like him read my blogs and articles.

" So shall we discuss about the business. " He broached the subject and we started canvassing about our future project.

Mr. Haruto is going to be one the 5 investor in our company and they will hold 51%of share and the rest 49% will be of ours. He told us that he will help us and assign us the best broker who deals with the land so we can choose the best place for the construction of resort.

Our meeting lasted for 2 hours. But all in all it was a great success as he and the other investors are fully ready to invest. When we were leaving, Mr. Haruto invited us for dinner with him and his wife in his house tomorrow. We accepted his offer with a polite smile and took our leaving.

"That wasn't so bad. Was it.?" Samyak said.

"Bad. It was great sammy. He was looking so impressed by us. I hope we make this project a great success." I said and started sipping water as I was thirsty.

"I hope that too. So I was thinking what do you think about a destination wedding in Japan." He asked. I choked on my water and that bastard started laughing but he rubbed my back too.

"What." I said. My throat was hoarse because of all choking.

"I think we should have a destination wedding here." He said. The way he talked about our marriage with those hopeful eyes, gives me a sudden surge of happiness.

"Hmm. I will like that. But I want to get married from my hometown where I lived my life." I Said. "But if you want from here we can have it."

"No no no no. It's not like that babe. It was just a random thought. I will also love to get from my hometown." He said. I smiled and blushed because of the endearment so I turn my head away from him and started looking at the visuals passing by.

We stopped at an Indian diner to grab lunch because we skip the breakfast today we both were hungry.

" What would you like to have, beautiful." The waiter who came to took our orders asked. I roll my eyes at his comment but his perverted eyes were focused on my chest which was making me uncomfortable.

Typical Indian man.

"Her eyes are up there, you pervert." Samayak said with a clench jaw. His anger also took me by surprise.

"I am sorry sir. What would you both want to order." He apologized and looked scared.

"We will have 2 bowls of rajma chawal and 4 pieces of aaloo paratha." He ordered and the waiter left.

"Why so angry huh." I teased him.

"Haven't you see the way he looked at you. If he wouldn't have apologized, I would have punched him square on the face." He said in anger.

"Aww. Someone looks so cute while having his anger mode on." I teased him more.

"Shut up coco. I am not cute. I am dangerously hot" He muttered. I laughed.

"So we are still living under that illusion, I see." I chuckled. He laughed with me too.

"So, what do you want to do today. Let's go and get familiar with the city." He asked.

"Cool. And we also need to go grocery shopping. But 1st I need to change. I am not at all comfortable in roaming in my business suit." I said.

"Okay."  He said. We chatted untill food arrived. After getting done with food, he paid the bill and we left the diner.

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