Chapter 13 (part - 2)

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Suddenly I was pulled away from my and samyak's embrace. It was khushboo and Saumya.

"Finally. Congratulations." They said.

"Thank you guys." I said happily. Meanwhile the boys were also having there bro moment. Then I looked around and find everyone's eyes on me. Suddenly I start to feel nervous. Some people were looking at me with happiness but most of the girls were glaring at me like I have stolen their future husband. I mean it's okay to like someone and it's very hard to stop  when that someone is a person like samyak. But they don't have to be so obsessed with him when they don't even know him. Only our family members happy faces were the source comfort for me in that crowd.

"Let's climb down the stage. I am feeling very nervous." I said.

"Yes please. I feel like the center of the universe."  samyak said.

"Like you already don't believe it." I snorted.

"I do believe in that babe. But it's your universe which I talk about." He teased. A sudden surge of excitement ran through me because of the new endearment "baby" that he used for me.

"In your dreams." I said. Suddenly I heard our friends laughing. We both looked at them confused.

"You guys can never change. Let's walk down the stage and eat before the world War 3 happens between you 2." Rishi said.

I nod my head. Samyak hold my hand. While walking. I smiled at this. His hand was warm and soft.

"You guys knew that he is going to do that" I asked them.

"No k. But we had this supernatural power to know the exact choreography, so we just joined him." Pankaj said sarcastically. I glared at him.

"Of course idiot. We knew. He asked us about this plan and we approved of it." Khushboo said.

"But it was I, who insisted to be the part of it and dance ad background dancers." Rishi said.

"Thank you so much guys. You know it was your and you didn't have to do it. I feel so lucky to have you all." I said. They smiled.

After that, the party was good. Guests come to congratulate us. My mama Mami and Nani and samyak's parents, they all were so happy and excited. Uncle wanted to fix the closest date for marriage because he said and I quote----I can't wait to officially have krishnaa as my daughter in law.----. But per the rule of our house, that the head of the family will talk about these matters and Nana ji is not here so they will decide about it when he will visit here with my eldest mama and Mami next week.

Meeting with guests was not at all easy. You have to be not so awkward and it's tough but I did it anyhow and survive through the party. Sammy didn't leave my side even for a second.

"You look tired." He said when we finally got free from the guest and no one was coming to congratulate.

"Yeah. I was never fond of these social parties." I replied.

"Hmm. I think you need a refreshment or an instant energy boost." He said. I looked at him in confusion but suddenly he pulled me a little closer and leaned to my ear. "Maybe a kiss can do the work." He whispered. Shiver ran through my spine and goosebumps erupted on my skin. And I blushed to make it even worse.

"Sammy, I.." I started.

"I know baby you can't control your emotions." He said wiggling his eyebrows.

Again I ran short of breath. I never used be this effected by him like I am these days.

"Sometimes I feel it's you who can't control his feelings and hands." I said with a smirk. Samyak looked at me with a smirk too.

If old krishnaa would have been here then she wouldn't have been this confident to reply like this. But now she has become an another personality.

"And maybe I can teach you a good lesson." I said while trying to be sexy.

"Ahan. I am all ready for it babe. Just say once and I will be wherever you want me to be." He said. I looked in his eyes which clearly showed that he is just messing with me and joking around. But I can't stop looking at him. They seems to give me the comfort even when I am at my worst.

It's has been our habit to be this naughty but these days it feels something is different. I don't know what is. But their is a shift between us. And this scares the shit out of me. I am not ready to love anyone even if it's my best friend. I just don't have the courage to do this and take a risk to be broken again.

But also at the same time why I want to take the risk. Why I can't stop these feelings when I am not even sure if he has the same feelings for me or not.

"Ahm. Ain't the atmosphere very hot around here." Rishi's voice pull us out of our staring competition.

"Yes. It's because of the chemistry of my little brother and future Bhabhi." Saumya teased.

I groaned and blushed at the same time. They laughed at me, so I hide my face in Sammy's chest to save myself from further teasing and he wrapped his one hand around my shoulder and rubbed it.

" Stop teasing my fiancee, you two." He scold them lightly.

"Yes. And can we all leave now. I am so tired." Pankaj said and he and khushboo joined us. We all nodded. I said bye to my family members as they are staying in a hotel and I am staying in chandra's mansion. I told them to stay in my apartment but they said they have already booked the hotel.


"OH my God. Yes yes yes. Finally they are engaged." Khushboo and Saumya were jumping in the room out of happiness. I laughed at them. I didn't know whether to smile at this or not because we are not exactly in a relationship but we are still getting married.

It's very convoluted. But right now all I want to focus on is the happiness I'm feeling.

"okay. You guys can chill now." I said. They gave me that--are you out of your mind-- look.

"Have you lost it. We chill down. Not in a hell imma gonna be calm today because my best friend who deserved the best has got her best today. She got the best proposal of the world by the most perfect guy for her and my other best friend is going to start her new life after marriage in 2 days. This calls for a celebration. " Khushboo said like a kid.

I laughed at this but whatever she said was true. It was the one great epic moment of my life. I also feel so thankful that my other best friends let samyak and me took lime light from them on their Sangeet day.

"Yes. Let's have the Bachelorette now and get wasted." Saumya said.

"No no no no. We are not getting wasted. I remember last time when you both puked your guts out in my house. I don't wanna experience this again." I scold them.

"oh come on k. Stop being a mum." Khushboo said.

"Yes. I am getting married in next 48 hours. I think I am allowed nto be wasted today." Saumya exasperated.

"And have a bad  hangover tomorrow. Sounds like a plan." I said sarcastically. They gave me deadpan looks. "Okay. Okay. Don't kill me with your looks." I give in.

"Yes. I am gonna go and  get the booze." Saumya hopped out of the bed and quickly went down.

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