Chapter 4

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Bashure's extinction paved the way for a great change in Sklavois. The people became more responsible with the natural resources and more accountable of their current situation. Being with Mergalio stirred up hope in their lives.

The corrupt lawmakers and Judge Draggen also encountered a tougher breed of SklavoiS. Unlike before, these people already knew how to stand up for their rights and ignore negativities from the enemy. The goodness in one of them began to show and develop into something great and useful in their lives and the entire city. Slowly, darkness began to lose its hold on the people—a big bad news for the enemies. The corrupt lawmakers, Judge Draggen, and the evil invaders immediately reported this dangerous change to the Giant King and Queen.

While the enemies were panicking, the defenders were using their time wisely by training themselves in preparation for battle. Mergalio was busy practicing the different swings of his sword and creating new attacks that his enemies did not see yet. The puffins were having their sparring sessions with one another when Tharros remembered an important matter.

"Mergalio," said Tharros, "when we were in the depths of the ocean where we defeated Bashure, we felt a strong power in that area."

"What kind of power?" asked Mergalio. "Did it threaten you?"

"I can't figure it out," answered Agapi, "but we didn't feel anything negative. If it's an evil one, that creature could've helped Bashure."

"That was a very strong energy, Mergalio," stated Epimoni. "It's ten times our combined strength."

"Can you bring me to that part of the ocean where you encountered such power?" Mergalio requested. "I need to see it myself."

The eight of them walked towards the edge of the river and chatted a little before starting their mission.

"Can you hold your breath for a long time, Mergalio?" asked Epimoni.

"Don't worry about me," Mergalio confidently answered while stretching out his arms. "I have strong lungs and limbs to survive the depths of the ocean."

"Okay, then. Allagi Morfis!" shouted Tharros.

"Allagi Morfis!"

The puffins fused in the blinding light and transformed to Karcharias, ready to search the depths of the ocean.

"Mergalio, hold on to my fin," said Karcharias in its grumpy voice.

The warrior took a deep breath and prepared himself for a long and challenging journey underwater.

It was cold and dark. Mergalio thought that he lost months of his existence with such long journey. It was an endless swim but they stopped when they were surrounded with a very strong energy.

"Mergalio, we are here," Karcharias said. "We can't see anything but I know that you also feel the power that we are talking about."

Mergalio didn't respond for he was concentrating so hard. The depths of the ocean may not be at his advantage but he could still use his power to see from beyond the limits of his physical strength. Unlike his other powers and skills, his vision was not that strong. He could not use it all the time. In fact, this would be his first time to use it again after leaving Paradiso. It took him quite some time before he was able to see images in his vision.

A woman. A secret portal. On his left side. Mergalio gripped the fin of Karcharias with his right hand as he used his left hand to reach for something. There would be moments when his vision would crash down. This creature was indeed a powerful one. It could pass through his powers. However, Mergalio's determination was stronger for he was able to locate the invisible passage.

Mergalio and the Seven Puffins  (Book 1: The Clamors of SklavoiS)Where stories live. Discover now