He saw poor children stealing valuable items like a pro. There was a young thief caught by a man and was beaten nonstop. Mergalio closed his eyes and looked the other way.

There were also women dressed in skimpy clothes, waiting for a miracle to come into their lives.

"Hi, Mister. Would you like to see Paradiso?" asked one woman.

Mergalio remained mum and continued to walk. Yet the woman ran after him and persuaded him to give her a try.

"I'm Virra. I'll take you to Paradiso," she insisted sweetly.

Mergalio brushed her off and walked away quickly. He was beyond frustrated to know that Paradiso for these people meant differently. If they only knew what the real Paradiso looked like.

As he walked along the narrow street, Mergalio saw a lot of men drowning themselves in alcohol and damaging their bodies with narcotics.

Yet, there were some who just worked quietly to earn a living. But that simple routine didn't save them from wickedness. Because of too much fear from the evil invaders, they gave bribes to an old, selfish, and arrogant man wearing a coat adorn with many pieces of gold.

Mergalio got curious so he moved closer and simply pretended to do something important for him to hear the man's message without being caught.

"Judge Draggen, have mercy on me," pleaded the old woman. "I swear I didn't violate the King and Queen's rule of tax. I pay all the time."

"That is a lie!" shouted the insensitive judge. "I know the records. You did not pay your taxes for almost a year now. If you will not settle all your debts, you will be hanged tomorrow evening."

"But where will I get such huge amount of money, Judge?" the woman cried.

"I don't care! That is not my problem." Judge Draggen ignored the desperate lady and continued to demand taxes and bribes from the helpless people.

"I know. I will also sell these goods five times its usual price so that I can get more money. I will just sell my baby to someone so I can make money out of my child. I won't die. I'll do everything I can to live."

The woman seemed to have lost her sanity as she talked to herself and laughed crazily.

Mergalio was surprised when he felt his tears falling on his cheeks. He never expected that evil could trigger a person's demonic side. Could there be more than the worst faces of SklavoiS?

"Warrior, strengthen your heart," the Divine Power whispered.

From afar, Agapi, Elpida, and Apodochi chirped melodiously to fill Mergalio's heart with pure love again. In no time, the warrior stood up and wiped his tears away.

"Dianoia, take over the intellect of that woman and let her find righteous ways of raising money," Mergalio ordered.

With that, Dianoia flew away and followed the path of the woman.

Mergalio had seen everything that he needed to observe that time so he decided to go back to Odigos.

Suddenly, he heard faint muffles and struggles in the dark dead end of a narrow path. Mergalio's vision made him see a woman about to be raped by five evil men. His instinct was to fight them but Dynami and Epimoni already caused massive distraction by creating strong winds and showering those men with feathers. Mergalio used his power to make them fall in deep slumber. The woman quickly covered her body and ran away. Mergalio turned his back to avoid the woman's eyes. She must not recognize him.

"You did great, puffins. Thank you for helping me," Mergalio said as he continued his way back to Odigos.

Upon opening the door, Mergalio was surprised to see the five other puffins already inside the house. But what surprised him the most was a woman and a child laughing and playing with his friends.

Mergalio and the Seven Puffins  (Book 1: The Clamors of SklavoiS)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang