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I'm crying at the animatic above pls watch it^

Alex pov:

"what the hell!?" I said as I looked at angelicas phone. It was a photoshopped picture of me on my knees. The caption read:

"tjeff: damn @alexdre always on your knees for me and @A.burr ;)"

I can't believe Thomas and b
Burr would do something like this. They know that I would never ever have sex with either of them let alone a threesome.

I got up from my lunch table where the Schuyler sisters were comforting me over the situation.

"Hey Alex where are you going?" Peggy said.

"To go confront the assholes," I said through gritted teeth.

I walked across the cafeteria to their lunch table. I could only see red I was roused with anger.

"Jefferson, Burr" they turned around and looked at me then smirked to each other.

"Heyyy Lexi" Thomas purred.

"Come back for more?" Burr said with a smirk that I wanted to slap right off his face.

"one, don't ever call me Lexi two, why the fuck are you telling everyone that we had sex when we never did? and three, just so you know I'd rather have sex with literally anyone else." I said to them.

"They looked back at each other and smirked dont you remember last night though? you were on your knees for us and you gave us both blowjobs and now? now everyone knows it." They gestured to the entire cafeteria I looked around to see everyone staring and whispering I heard laughter and people were pointing at me. I started to tear up.

I was startled when I heard john behind me. "What the hell is going on?" He said angrily. I showed him my phone and he sent a death glare at Aaron and Thomas .

Aaron and Thomas slowly stood up "you got something to say, Jonny boy?" they towered over him.

Then john threw a punch. I ran to the bathroom and cried. My boyfriend was getting beat up all because of me. What could I do? Nothing. that's why I just sat in the bathroom and cried.


I had no idea how long I had been crying in that bathroom when john limped into the bathroom all bruised up. He had cuts all over his face. It broke my heart. Everyone must have gone home because it was dead silent in the halls. He noticed tears on my face and he wiped them.

"They made you cry" he said in a calm tone as he stroked my hair.

"You are the only thing that's right in our broken world" he said while tieing up my hair with my blue scrunchie.

I looked up at him while wiping my eyes because I started to cry again.

"shh shh it's ok you can cry" he said while rubbing my back.

"But I'm still going to hurt them for what they did to you." he said with an emotionless face.

"W-What?" I said.

"I'm going to make them pay Alex" he said.

He continued, "Alexander you are the best thing in my life. Your happiness is my happiness, so if you are upset then I'm upset too. We are going to get those douches for what they did to you."

"W-What the hell are you planning?" I said in a scared tone.

We are going to kill them" he said in a serial killer type way with a creepy grin and a vile tone.

"NON" I screamed at him and stood up from the bathroom floor. "Are you really gonna let some idiots that can't even count to 20 get to you? john baby what they say about me or you isn't gonna matter when we are gone. You know, I don't think you even want to be with me after school ends." I said while looking at the floor.

"Of course I do Alex. I just want to protect you. I don't want anyone to hurt you." He got up and hugged me from behind.

"John lets just be regular seventeen-year-old teenagers please? See a bad play and watch reality tv shows. Lets sneak out to go stargazing. Don't you want to do things like that?"

"mhm" he said his arms still around my waist.

"I know people hurt us or they walk out of our lives and yes that sucks but we need to let it go because in a month we will be in college together and they won't be there. Jacky we can't let them get to us."

"We can go camping or play croquet. We can eat some terrible pizza. Maybe prom night? Maybe dancing? Don't stop looking in my eyes." ( i tried to think of something else to say at the end but I couldn't so smh)

"See?" I said we can't do this.

"We have our entire lives ahead of us. We can't throw away our shot(don't you dare) because two dipshits decided they wanted attention ok?"

"Ok" he sighed.

"Can we go get slushies now?" he said with a smile on his face.

"Of course" I laughed.

hi, everyone, I know this is a shit chapter but I'm in the process of writing I'm not gay pt 2 so I wanted to write a quick chapter anyway please comment, follow and vote, please 🙏


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