Chapter 10: Sunburn Isn't Fun

Beginne am Anfang

“Bebe no don’t do that, I’m sure we can work this out” Damien looks at her and says gently. Selena completely ignores him and turns to me again.

“Sorry babe, bestie priorities” she says to him, feeling bad for not giving him an answer. “Alright who are we killing and when.”

“Brett! He’s being such a jerk!”

“Did he make you cry? Or hurt you? Or do something to you? Oh my god I will literally cut off his-”

“WOAH! That’s a little extreme. Let’s hear what he did first mi amour” Damien says to calm Selena down.

“Ok, what’d he do girl.” I hand her my phone and show her our texts.

“Ohhh, I see. Well maybe he was just having a bad day. Eat your lunch, you’ll get more hangry than you already are.”

I angrily bite into my sandwich and my hanger subsides. I finish off my sandwich and drink half of my Coke when all of a sudden I hear loud clanking sounds from the hallway and everybody quiets down and tries to find the source of the sound. Moments later, medieval music starts playing from the cafeteria speakers and twelve band nerds that play trumpets march into the room. Each one had a rose in their trumpet that they handed to me as they passed by. Once all the musicians had given me their rose, the clanking continued. Except now it was a clomping with clanking noises. Before I knew it, two freshmen came out holding a banner saying Will you go to prom with me? and behind them was Brett riding a white horse in a suit of armor. He clomps right over to me and says “Chloe, will you be my princess and go to prom with me?”

“I’m already your princess, but yes. I would love to go to prom with you.”

“YAY!” Now that everyone got the answer they expected, the cafeteria went back to its usual eruption of chatter.

“Now take that off, as cute as you are, it’s making you look ridiculous.”

“Uh, about that. I kinda can’t”

“And why not?”

“Because I don’t have anything on underneath.”



“Not even underwear?”

“Not even underwear. I wanted to be your knight in shining armor, I wanted to make it authentic.”

“I didn’t mean it literally you buffoon!”

“At least I’m your buffoon” I sigh and roll my eyes playfully.

“Gimme your keys, I can get the clothes you were wearing this morning from your car and you can wait in the locker room for me to bring them.”



“I wasn’t wearing clothes this morning, it was body paint.”

“Man, having a boyfriend really is like having a stupid son.”

“Hey!” he said with a laugh.

“I’m not even gonna ask about that. C’mon, we’re gonna get you some clothes and Selena will take the horse back.” I dragged Sir Clanks A Lot to the parking lot where he gave me his keys to drive to his house. We both agreed that he was in no shape to drive considering the fact that he was in a full suit of armor.

“Ok, go grab some clothes and then movie night at my house?”

“Sure princess. Aren’t you gonna come with me and enjoy the show” he says with a wink. 

“Keep dreaming buddy. I will chill on your bed and play on your phone though.”

“Works for me. C’mon let’s go.” As soon as he opens the door to his room, I flop facedown on his huge bed. He goes into the bathroom and takes a shower. As soon as the water stops and I assume he touches a towel to his skin, I hear him scream. I run to the door and start knocking and asking if he’s ok.

“Babe, are you ok? Can I come in?”

“Yeah I’m covered, but I think I have sunburn.” I open the door and see him covered in sunburn.

“You idiot, being in metal all day caused you to get sunburn. Put on some pants and I’ll come put some aloe vera gel on you.” He does as I say and then sits on the toilet seat and tells me to come back in. I stand between his legs and reach in the cabinet above him and grab the bottle of aloe vera gel and start rubbing it on his face. I then rub it on his back and chest. He had his arms wrapped around my waist the entire time to deal with the pain. 

“Alright, all done. Now we know that if we are gonna wear metal all day we wear sunscreen, right?”

“Yes mom” he says with a playful smile and eye roll.

“How bout we watch Tangled now?”

“Anything for you princess.”

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