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The next day we spend the day being mocked and thanked by the Slytherins, and everyone else glares and refuse to acknowledge us. Hermione spends the day reminding me that patience is a virtue. Ron keeps telling me that the twins lost more than that in total last year.
"Yeah, but never all at once. Right before end of term no less." Harry and I said each time- we were both fairly depressed by this.
My patience was wearing thin for the Slytherins who kept giving us thumbs up in the hall. It was lunch time and I was too angry to eat or even drink my hot coccoa. Draco Malfoy came up from behind us in the Great Hall.
"Well-well Potter. Looks like you and your rag," he put an emphasis on rag and looked at Ron and I, "gave us an easy win this year- had to thank you all in person." He walked away with a smug look and headed out into the corridor. I couldn't stop myself from standing up and following them- Hermione telling the boys behind me to stay put or we'd cause even more trouble.
"Malfoy you barmy maggot!" I yelled at him once we left the Great Hall. It was surprisingly empty except for him and his goons and I.
"Weasley- couldn't you afford a better insult?" He paused for his goons to laugh. I flew at him and made him back into the wall. Malfoy and his goons looked surprised but Crabbe and Goyle didn't go to help him- they hesitated.
"What are you doing stop her!" They looked at each other- and grimmaced.
"What Malfoy- are you so afraid of a girl that you can't push me away yourself.
"Afraid of getting my hands dirty on filth like you- traitor." He spat to the side and I felt an eerie calm come over my body. I looked into his eyes.
"Malfoy- your goons may share a brain cell. But I thought you knew better." I tsked at him and let him go.
"Knew what Weasley?" He sneered at me still pressed against the wall. I opened my mind and pushed into his mind.
I know. I know exactly what you are Malfoy. A coward- a mummy's boy- your fathers puppet.
He turned pale as I grinned mischievously at him and let an evil gleam into my eyes.
"M-my Father will hear of this!" He pushed me out of his way and he all but ran towards the dungeons. I closed my mind- I didn't let myself read into his thoughts. It was easy enough to guess what kind of person he is. I breathed in deep and imagined all of my anger and hatred inside, I breathed out pushing it out with it.
"Blimey Notte, he looked like he was about to shat himself." Harry said from the doorway of the Great Hall. Immediately any anger that was left dissapated and I laughed at Harry who grinned broadly.
"I hope I remember the look on his face for the rest of my life- did you...y'know speak to him?" Harry raised his eyebrows and I sighed.
"I did- I shouldn't have but I thought that would be the best way to get the message across." I leaned against the wall I had him pinned against.
"You looked scary Notte- You got so close to him you could've kissed him- and he just-" Harry started laughing again at the memory of Draco nearly wetting himself.
"I went a bit too far- but hopefully he doesn't tell Snape." I let my head thud against the wall.
"Lets go back inside before Snape comes looking for me." I stood up and pushed Harry back to the table.
"Blimey- what happened?" Ron said seeing that Harry was still laughing about Malfoy.
"You- you should've seen it!" Harry started calming down taking deep breaths. I shook my head at Harry.
"I had Malfoy up against the wall- and I just... scared him a little." I said now attempting to eat as I told them the story.
"What on Earth did you do? We can't lose anymore points!" Hermione scolded me quietly.
"Y'know thinking about it, I don't think he's gonna say anything to Snape. I mean- he'd humiliate himself." I said with a smile. The twins came over and sat down.
"We saw you and Harry-"
"Go have a row with Malfoy." The twins simultaneously shoved a piece of food into their mouths.
"Tell us then Nottie-"
"Whatd you do to him?" Gerorge finished with a wicked gleam in his eye.
"I just talked to him- I have no idea why he was so frightened-" I put on my best innocent face and looked up at them," Really." The twins and Ron sniggered. Hermione looked at them.
"Why is that so funny?" She asked slowly wondering if the twins found out about my legilimency.
"You probably noticed by now-"
"Notte has a wicked temper." Fred finished this time and they looked at me.
"But if you really piss her off- she gets super calm- but her eyes-" Ron started explaining and the twins interrupted.
"Look like she can kill you-"
"Without moving a muscle." They all shuddered.
"You were pretty scary back there Notte-" Harry said to me now calm and looked at the twins, "had him pinned to the wall and everything. When she let go he didn't move until she'd finished." Harry grinned. "I expect he had a bit of fear trickling down his leg- if you know what I mean." The boys roared with laughter and Harry tried to mimmick Malfoys exact face.
"Notte! You still shouldn't have!" Hermione said to me quietly and I nodded.
"I know- I'll try to keep my temper in mext time 'Mione." I winked at her as I gave her a new nickname and she smiled sweetly at me.
"I rather like that." Her eyes twinkled as she forgot to keep scolding me and I breathed a sigh of relief when it was time to go to class.

The Dark Lord's Daughter (Book 1): Song BirdWhere stories live. Discover now