Chapter 3 ~ M.I

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I feel a pulling to the border. Just to see Jason. Just to tell him... No. Don't think like that. I go downstairs an find my father holding an old picture in his frail hands. One that I have seen many times. A picture of my mother. "Father?," he looks up,"do you miss her?" "Your mother? Yes. I was your age when I met her. Sixteen years. I don't regret it." Neither of us talk. I see a small tear, almost unnoticeable, fall down his face. I have never seen him cry, other than at mothers funeral. The silence is uncomfortable. I want to help, but I don't know how to, so I slowly walk outside to escape, to catch my breath.
Outside, I keep getting this pulling sensation, pulling me word the boarder. I decide to go. Slowly, to avoid drawing attention, I walk through the meadows. Suddenly out of nowhere a bag is thrown over my head. The scratchy material suggests a feed bag. I struggle, but a clasp is on my wrists. I attempt to shoot ice, but my powers are failing me. They never fail me. Suddenly a sharp pain shoots through my head. Oh my gosh that hurt. I punch at something that must be either an elbow or a chin. To..It doesn't stop them."Your struggles will do nothing for you. I would stop." "Where are you taking me, who are you?" I asked. With that I feel a sharp pin prick of a needle then my body relaxes.
I try to move, my body does not let me. I am imprisioned inside myself, and I can't do anything to stop it. Someone carries me for a long while. Whatever they drugged me with, I can't even talk. Whoever did this will be punished. I smell something wet, almost like we are entering a cave. The bag over my head is too thick to see through. "You'll thank me later." Said the same foreign voice. I'm thrown on hard uneven floor. Sharp pain flows through my left leg. I still can't move, or do anything to prevent whatever might happen next.
"Is she dead?" Asked an unknown woman's voice "No, she is just drugged. She can hear everything,"Replies a mans voice"she was being... Difficult." "Thanks Aaron." Replies the woman. "Isabell. I know you can hear me, so I will make this quick, before your drug wears off. We know that you have been talking to a boy named Jason. We also know that he is a Strighton now. We also know every little thing about you. Be careful Isabell. We are on your side. Remember that we are always watching. That is all you need to know. Goodbye Isabell." "Knock her out and take her back to where she was. I wouldn't be upset if you made her forget.... Let's say.. This meeting?" The woman says with laughter in her voice.
Oh, I must have fallen asleep under this tree. Wow. I'm so tired. I need to see Jason. Apologize maybe. I walk briskly to the border where I had seen Jason yesterday. I'm at the border, separating magic from those who hate magic. The protective shield was buzzing, allowing no one to cross easily. There is a rubbing on my wrist. I look down and find a small bracelet. I don't remember putting it on. It's metal and has a small jewel on it with the initials M.I.

----------------- If you want me to continue, please tell me. Also if you have ideas, they might make latter chapters. Thanks!--------------

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