Chapter 4 ~ Watch Yourself

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I wait for an hour, and decide it's not worth it. I get up, and brush myself off, I can't get the sensation off that someone is watching me. I turn around one last time, and see a flicker in my peripheral vision. I must just be seeing things. I walk towards home to practice with my group.
I start throwing ice at the target, but I can't seem to hit the target. I always hit the target. I must just be distracted, so I decide to take a break. I walk down to the stream, and watch the fish people gracefully jump while the newcomers attempt to imitate them.i hear a soft landing and a brush of air right by me and find Aspen sitting by me. "Oh look, land, water, and air sitting by each other." "Aspen, I'm not in the mood." I say as I turn a flower over in my hand, as I accidentally freeze it, and it wilts, the fish people glare at me. They still hold a grudge on me since from when I was younger and shot a piece of ice into the pond and accidentally froze the whole pond. "I know you aren't, so I brought you something" "...Aspen.. I'm not taking anything of yours." I say, she hands me a box, and begrudgingly I open it. It's a small silver necklace with wings covered in glass ice in the middle. I turn it over and there is a small engraving on it that I'm not sure what it says. "Thanks," I say. She looks at me hardly, "Ok, I know we don't know each other but maybe we can be-" I cut her off before she says friends. I'm not good at people. I can't have someone hurt me again. "So shouldn't you be in flight lessons?" "Shouldn't you be in lessons too?" We both laugh knowing the answer.
I get back to training, but I still can't seem to do focus my power. "Woah!" A person yelled as they almost gost hit by my ice, "I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" It was a boy. He had dark short hair with olive skin. He has strong features. I can't help being awed by him. I make sure no emotion crosses my face. I don't want to let myself be vulnerable, and weak.. "I'm fine. Just watch yourself" he says with edge to his voice as he walks away. I watch as a group of girls giggle and watch him. Im Pretty sure one just fainted.
Once practice is over I head home to freshen myself up. I look in the mirror and see myself. Boring red hair, tan skin, cheekbones, and almond shaped eyes. Why can't I be as pretty as the other girls? I'm tall and thin and normal. I turn away, embarrassed by myself and walk away. I'm not tired and it's past the time everyone has to be asleep, so I lay down. I can't go to sleep. I toss and turn for about an hour, before I decide I can't go to sleep.
I get up and find the place in my closet that Jason and I had made when we where younger, connecting our houses together, with a way out. I loosen the boards crawl down into the musty tunnel. It has been a while since I had used it last. I crawl through to the opening right by the forest and get out. My clothes are covered in dust.
I decide to go to the training room, which will be locked, but since there is a roof opening I will be able to get in through that. I have before, and I will again. When I approach the training room i creat an ice ladder to the ceiling. Well, at least I know that works. When I reach the top I find the door, but it is locked.
I use ice to freeze the door handle, allowing me to smash it, breaking the lock and allowing myself in. I'm step down the stairs quietly, just in case someone may be in here. When I approach the training room I hear smell something burning. Slowly I open the door, just to peek and I see the boy from earlier. Apparently he heard me, because he threw a ball of fire strait at me. My hands flew up, and the fire froze in place. He stared at me. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I could ask you the same thing." I replied. There was tension in the air as we stood there. "Your the girl that tried to kill me today, aren't you?" Crap. No. I thought maybe he had forgotten, but I mean, who forgets if you almost die? "I wasn't aiming at you." "Then your an awful shot.,"He replies."Who are you?" Why does he want to know? "I am Isabell. Who are you?" "I don't feel like that matters." What? How could he ask me, and not expect me to ask him. "Anyway, Isabell, I better get going. Don't tell anyone that I was here." "Same thing applies to you.." I say. "Oh and Isabell... Watch yourself." He leaves without another word.
My powers begin to refocus and I'm feeling better. I keep practicing for an hour after the mysterious person disappears. I go back through the ceiling and head home through the tunnels, eliminating any trace of ice I had made.
When I'm in bed I think about that boy. How did he get into the training center, if he had fire power? The thought puzzles me until I fall asleep, having less than five hours of sleep left until the day would break Tomorrow.

Violet Eyesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن